关注: 38 贴子: 123

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    牵手了就不要随便分开! 给所有考虑分手和磨合期的情侣 你发觉到了吗?   爱的感觉,总是在一开始觉得很甜蜜,   总觉得多一个人陪、多一个人帮你分担,   你终於不再孤单了,至少有一个人想著你、   恋著你,不论做什么事情,   只要能一起,就是好的,   但是慢慢的,随著彼此的认识愈深,   你开始发现了对方的缺点,   於是问题一个接著一个发生,   你开始烦、累,甚至想要逃避,   有人说
    子健 12-14
  • 6
    丁铃!门上的铃当响了起来,一个三十多岁,穿著笔挺西服的男人,走进了这家飘 散着 浓浓咖啡香的小小咖啡厅。   “午安!欢迎光临!”年轻的老板娘亲切地招呼着。   男人一面客气地微微点了点头,一面走到吧台前的位子坐了下来,开口对老板娘说:   “麻烦给我一杯摩卡,谢谢。”   “好的,请稍候。”老板娘微笑着说。   接着她便开始熟练地磨碎咖啡豆,煮起咖啡来。男人一直带着笑容看着老板娘煮咖啡的动作
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    On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair Warm smell of colitas rising up through the air Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light My head grew heavy, and my sight grew dimmer I had to stop for the night There she stood in the doorway; I heard the mission bell And I was thinking to myself, 'This could be Heaven or this could be Hell' Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way There were voices down the corridor, I thought I heard them say... Welcome to the Hotel California Such a lovely place (such a lovely place) Plenty of room at the Hotel C
    子健 10-22

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目录: 个人贴吧