0经核实吧主北漂叔叔 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 旅行英语吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
4请出示您的护照。 May Isee your passport, please? 您要在美国待多久? Howlong are you going to stay in America? 我会留在美国一个星期。 Iwill s
1Where can I change money? 我在哪里可以兑换外币? Can you change this into Australian Dollars? 请将这些外币兑换成澳元? What is the exchange
11 这次班机是在这个柜台办理登机手续吗? Isthis the right counter to check in for this flight? 2 夫人,有手提行李吗? Anyhand luggage, madam?/Do you have any hand luggage, Madam? 3 我有一只背包。 Ihave one shoulder bag. 4 您准备把那小包作为手提行李吗? Areyou keeping that small bag as hand-luggage? 5 手提行李不用称重。 Hand-baggage is not to be weighed. 6 手提行李不包括在内。 Hand-baggageis not included. 7 那么我把它们拿出来作手提行李。 Well,I'll take them out as carry-on baggage. 8 请您把行李标签系
2越来越多的人都选择以飞机为出行方式。但是如何用一口流利的英语订机票呢?这里总结了一些情景对话,还有一些常用的句型。大家都来学一学吧。 A:Good
0refrigerator 冰箱 automatic rice cooker 电饭锅 steamer 蒸锅 oven 烤箱 grill 烧烤架 toaster 烤面包机 egg beater 打蛋器 ice crusher 刨冰机 foo
1His breathing has become increasinglydifficult.(他呼吸越来越困难。) He has to breathe through his mouth.(他要用口呼吸。) He is short of
1He is sleeping poorly.(他睡不好) He has difficulty in sleeping, inability toconcentrate.(他不易入睡,也难集中精神。) It is usually hard
0His blood pressure is really up. (他的血压很高。) High blood pressure is creeping up on him. He has noticed frequent urination,increased thi
0He has a bloated, uncomfortable feelingafter meal. (他饭后肚子觉得胀胀的,很不舒服。) He has bouts of abdominal pain. (他有一阵阵的肚痛。) H
0He has pain in his teeth or jaw. (他的牙齿和下巴疼痛。) He has some problems with his teeth. (他牙齿有问题。) The tooth hurts only when he b
0He urinates more frequently than usual.(他小便比平时多。) He has difficulty controlling his bladder.(他很难控制小便。)(bladder:膀胱) Th
0His both hands and feet ache all over. (他两手两脚都很酸痛。) He has pain on the sole of his feet. (他脚底很痛。) There is a wart-like lump
0She has noticed one lump in her breast. (她发觉乳房有个肿块。) There is a hard, swollen lump on her rightbreast. (她右乳房有肿块。) Her left
0He feels headache, nausea and vomiting. (他觉得头痛、恶心和想吐。) He is under the weather. (他不舒服,生病了。) He began to feel unusually
0机场指示牌 airportsigns 机场费airportfee 国际机场international airport 国内机场 domesticairport 国际候机楼international terminal 国际航班出港international departure 国内航班出站 domesticdeparture 入口 entrance 出口 exit; out; wayout 进站(进港、到达)arrivals 不需报关 nothing todeclare 海关 customs 登机口 gate;departure gate 候机室 departurelounge 航班号 FLT No(flight number) 来自…… arrivingfrom 预计时间 scheduledtime (SCHED) 实际时间 actual 已降落 landed 前往 departureto 起飞时间 departuretime 延误 delayed
0Your passport and declaration card, please 请出示你的护照和海关申报单 Do you have anything to declare? 你携带的东西有必须申报的吗 ? No. I d
0Where can I get my baggage? 我去哪里取行李? Here is my claim tag 这是我的托运 行李卡 Could you please check it urgently? 请抓紧时间找我的行
0Immigration 入境检查 duty-free items 免税品 Passport control 护照检查 Quarantine 检疫 Outgoing passenger card 入境登记卡 Residents 本国居民
0问: May I see your passport, please ? 请出示你的护照 答: here is my passport. 这是我的护照 问: What’s the purpose of your visit ? 你到澳
0How long will we stop here? 我们在这里停留多久? Are there any duty-free shops in the waiting room? 在侯机室有免税店吗? I’m in transit to
0Where is my seat? 我的座位在哪里? Seat number 座位号码 Where should I put this? 手提行李放在哪里? Airline ticket 飞机票 Could you change m
0书店 bookstore 粮店 grainstore 食品点 foodstore 煤店 coalstore 食品杂货(副食品)店 grocery 酱园 sauceand pickles shop 肉店 meat(butcher'
0我可以点餐了吗? May Iorder,please? 请给我菜单。 May Ihave a menu,please? 是否有中文菜单? Doyou have a menu in chinese? 用晚餐前想喝些什
0我会晚一点儿到达,请保留所预订的房间。 I'llarrive late, but please keep my reservation. 我在台北已预订房间。 Ihave made a reservation in
0我会晚一点到达,请保留所预订的房间。 I'llarrive late, but please keep my reservation. 我在台北已预订房间。 Imade a reservation in Taipei
0打包行李情景对话: George:hello, darling, are you all set? We have to go now. Helen:not yet, George. I ‘m still packing up things. George:d
0一、问路时 East 东 South 南 West 西 North 北 Left 左 Right 右 Straight on 往前 直 去 There 那儿 Front 前方 Back 后方 Side 侧旁 Before 之前 A