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    Indonesia’s Kuntilanak 印尼鬼怪之昆特拉纳克 Many Indonesians believe that unseen beings live among them. So they have many different kinds of ghosts and many traditional legends that surround them. One of these ghosts is called a Kuntilanak. This ghost is considered to be very scary. 许多印尼人相信,日常生活中周围有着看不见的东西。所以他们拥有各个种类关于幽灵的传说。其中有一个幽灵叫昆特拉纳克(Kuntilanak)。这个鬼魂被公认为是一种非常可怕的幽灵。 The Kuntilanak traditionally took the form of a bird and was
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    就差那么几个结局了 实在玩不动拉 参考下大家的结局
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    Years ago, my best friend and I went to Bali for vacation. Before we departed, my boyfriend at that time (now he's an ex;) told me that he will give me his protection by sending "something" as a charm. He was a psychic, something quite normal in my country. 几年前,我和我最好的朋友去巴厘岛度假。在我们出发之前,我当时的男朋友(现在他是前男友)告诉我,他会给我一些“东西”作为护身符来保护我。他是个通灵者,这在我们国家并不奇怪。 Later on, when my best friend, her name is Jolande (not her real name) and I
    Vickie528 5-31
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    This experience happened when I was about 13 years old. I'm pretty much an easy to be scared kind of person so until I was 20 years old, I slept in the same room with my mother. It was raining so heavily since afternoon and it was even worst in night. So before bed, I made sure every doors and windows at my home were locked perfectly. At 09:00 PM I already fell asleep because of the exhausting day, plus the sound of falling rains sounded like a lullaby to me. 这段经历发生在我13岁的时候。我是那种很容易担惊受怕的人,所以我20岁的时候,还是和母亲睡在
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    DLC 《The Tied Corpse》 将于2019年5月14日发布。 第二章节:一名叫西塞普的新上任守墓人,临时被委派了一个从未接过的任务 - 负责埋葬一具因车祸去世的尸体。然而,埋葬过程中,他将面临一个关乎到他命运的决定。如果他作出了错误的选择,会有未知的惩罚等待着他。这天晚上注定与众不同,墓地里回荡着绝望的哀号和呼救声。而在这个过程中,西塞普应该会意识到他的错误以及将为此付出的代价。
    Vickie528 5-31
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    (原文出自印尼网友,发布于印尼当地某论坛) My parents bought a big house at suburb when I was 14. My bedroom was at the second floor. Up from the staircase, there is a mezzanine where you can look down to the family room next to the staircase and across to the neighbor over the big window. The rooms are lined up along concave mezzanine barrier. At the corner is a bathroom, my brother's room next, followed by mine, a computer room, another seating area, then my other brother's room. 我14岁时,父母在郊区买了一幢大房子。我的卧室在二楼。从楼
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    Vickie528 4-26
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    各位好! 因为这是我的第一个正式的《开发者日志》,所以我认为我应该先简单介绍一下我自己以及我的职责。我叫凯文,目前在Storytale Studios担任音频工程师实习生。 更多内容: http://www.fy-play.com/state/raiders-detail/?id=219
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    Hi all! Time for Pamali's first devlog post! 大家好!这是来自《鬼妇 Pamali》印尼开发者团队的第一篇帖子! Many people have been asking us about the full release. We're currently finishing up the first folklore, The White Lady. In the demo you only got the glimpse of the story. On the full game, you'll see what will happen to Jaka before and after the part you've played. See through Jaka's eyes from day one and what happens to him after the events occur on the demo! 很多人问过我们什么时候可以发布整个故事系列。目前我们已经
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    《鬼妇》是真的很受欢迎啊 几乎试玩没有停过 还有不少小伙伴排队等试玩!
    Vickie528 11-9
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    Vickie528 10-24
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    https://store.steampowered.com/app/854570/Pamali_Indonesian_Folk 愿望单可以先加起来噢!
    Vickie528 10-24
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