1现在这伴奏太难找了 哪个大佬有的话可以分享一下吗?
10经核实吧主NiceGhost 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 mcsniper吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组01加qq541574826,请注明是发伴奏的,谢谢1这首歌的原曲叫什么?很好听啊34MC Sniper (엠xC528; 스xB098;이xD37C;, born February 8, 1979) is a South Korean male rapper. Recording artist and founder of underground hip-hop crew Buddha Baby, MC Sniper is considered a controversial and relatively influential musician in South Korea. He Debuted in 2002 with the album "So Sniper..." and immediately became recognized for acrid lyrics that challenged economic, governmental, and societal conditions - his backdrop: a powerful mixture of hip-hop and traditional Korean music.6시xC6D4;에 xD540; 붉xC740; 꽃,中文翻译 十月上盛开的红色的花,,,跪求1MC Sniper 现在在做啥? 啥时候来中国开演唱会!!!或者在韩国开,我要去看! 求告诉1虽然语言不懂 但影片故事情节与歌曲意境完美结合 MC SNIPER 牛39昨天才看到这个吧。1为履行吧主职责 本座已多次提交更新为 “韩国明星” 审批都不给过 然后去#贴吧分类#发帖要求变更未果 http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2812592526?pid=44397634096&cid=#443 目前还是强加的这个 “欧美明星” 呵呵2100음xBC18; 목xB85D; 앨xBC94; 2002년 5xC6D4; 15일 So Sniper... LP 2002xB144; 12월 27xC77C; MC Sniper Limited Edition 스xD398;셜 xC568;범 2003xB144; 5월 15xC77C; 《초xD589;(初行)》 LP 2004년 3xC6D4; 18일 Be in Deep Grief LP 2007년 3월 5xC77C; 《넌 xC5BC;마xB098; 절xC2E4;하xB2C8; (How Bad Do U Want It?)》 LP 2007년 12xC6D4; 23일 For you xC2F1;글 2009xB144; 11월 17xC77C; Museum LP 2010년 9xC6D4; 17일 20001Mc Sniper -《Vol.1 'So Sniper..'》1st Album[MP3] 地址:http://www.verycd.com/topics/140296/ 电驴 & 迅雷 皆可。 (~ o ~)~0求 《没想到人的心会变的这简单》歌词1http://tieba.baidu.com/p/156426694100~~~0Mc Sniper201.BK LOVE 02.오47480;손44284; 왼49552; 03.철49352; 04.삶51032; 도54588; 05.음44284; 양 06.52488;행 07.Babt don't cry 08.한국51064; 09.Gloomy Sunday 10.신51032; 시 11.45348;자47336;의 M.I.C 12.45824;화 13.Scarface 14.Skill N Message 15.To be 16.봄이50668; 오46972; 17.모51032; 태 18.46496;나45716; 너50752; 남51008; 나 19.Better than yesterday 20.for yo3http://box.zhangmen.baidu.com/m?gate=1&ct=134217728&tn=baidumt,1180773607 mcsniper spring&word=mp3,http://ftp6.ohpy.com/up/elbbs/2007/06/02/32458/1180773607/npWmop6mnKpepaOmnqSeOA$$.mp3,,[McSniper]&si=;;;;0;;0&lm=16777216 那女声是谁...0如何下载mc sniper的这首歌曲?01给个地址 谢了啊 WMA的也行!!!21朋友们你们有谁知道这首歌的有效网址请告诉我好吗?