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0张国立明星祝福语vcr录制 明星本人原声高清视频 15038135170 明星祝福语vcr录制 明星本人原声高清视频 明星祝福视频适用于公司开业、生日祝福、朋友结婚、企业年会、开业庆典、发布会、招商会、促销会、洽谈合作等,可在公司网站、店内、微博、公众号、朋友。圈里宣传,但是不能在媒体平台作为广告投放,更不能私自加上“代言人”之类的字眼。 流程:敲定艺人-提供文案-艺人审核-确认费用-签约-录制 张国立,1955年1月17日生于天津,全国政协委
3☆┈☆-☆┈☆-☆┈☆-☆┈☆-★◇★-★◇★-★◇★-★◇★ °百度harper吧欢迎您的到来° ☆┈☆-☆┈☆-☆┈☆-☆┈☆-★◇★-★◇★-★◇★-★◇★
9‘Magic Mike’ star Matthew McConaughey was spotted arriving at LAX with Camila Alves and their two kids, Levi and Vida. It must be so awkward to be walking through the airport and having people take your picture. I wonder if it’s something celebrities ever really get used to? It looks like Matthew decided to expedite things with Levi by just carrying him on his shoulders. Smart move: they could move faster, and Levi looks like he enjoyed the ride .
22Newlyweds Matthew McConaughey and Camila Alves were seen taking their two tots Levi, nearly 4, and 2-year-old Vida out for dinner in Calabasas, CA. According to chron.com, the 42-year-old Magic Mike star has topped a new online Father’s Day poll to find Hollywood’s sexiest dad. Matthew claimed 21 per cent of the vote in Fandango.com’s timely countdown – five per cent more than runner-up Brad Pitt. Celebrity father Johnny Depp is a close third while Mark Wahlberg and Chris Hemsworth – who recently welcomed daughter India with wife Elsa Pataky -rounded out the top five0震吓了我的狗眼。。。。我决定痛改前非,好好发图12半年了 第一次 小家伙长成大帅哥了 身材也越来越好了4╭★╮╭☆╮╭★╮╭☆╮╭★╮╭☆╮╭★╮╭☆╮╭★╮╭☆╮╭★╮ 百度---------卢子谦吧欢迎您 ╰☆╯╰★╯╰☆╯╰★╯╰☆╯╰★╯╰☆╯╰★╯╰☆╯╰★╯╰☆╯ 愿两吧友谊长存!!!!!! ☆〓☆〓☆〓☆〓☆〓☆〓☆〓☆〓☆〓☆312好久没见着囧儿了。。。。8好久没发帖了。。。发个痛快。。。4翻出来的老图。。。9可算出来了。。。。6小囧都不出来了。。。。6【 Levi &Ryu JiGang】3117★列维麦康纳★, 一个萌翻天的欧美小王子3没有找到原址、、、、9应该是六月初的图图吧31L给贵吧以及贵吧全体,中秋快乐 !35好戏总在后面!!!!!7617筒子们,我回来了!!高考完毕,开始搜图!!积极做外交~~~~~~~10哎呀呀,不好别笑!!!!!