4happy birthday !2018/8/28
45Hi Everyone! How are you doing? Hope all is well~~! After coming back from HK, I went to Miami for two weeks. That’s the reason why I have not say thank you to you all about the amazing lunch in HK. It was a wonderful day!! I was so excited and glad to see everyone one of you who were there and online. I really enjoyed the whole experience and thankful for those who have helped to make it happened. I enjoyed every single hugs and hand shakes, every smiles, and every one of your “introductions”. I learned a lot more about you. And I was happy that you were able to find that you are n
7好次听岛占美把声 求正一下
94http://www.dreamxt.com/ 有很多粤语动画供下载,新的旧的都有,资源挺丰富的,不知道是不是学校网速慢的问题,下得很慢,我哭~~~~~~~7演艺人间 新城电台 1996年9月14日 主持:陈欣、郭志权 其他配音员:郑丽丽、林保全、陆惠玲、黄凤英1一如既往前来~3幽灵公主 链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1kUCiMG3 密码:2cfu6很喜欢西游记的旁白!218又到了8.28的大日子了,也许你不知道我们在这里留言,也许你会再次上线与我们互动,不管你在世界哪个角落我们始终爱你,在此祝终极男神占美生日快乐身体健康,一切顺利。15Hello Everyone! Although I am very happy to see your notes, PLEASE DO NOT PUT ANY OF YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION AND/OR YOUR PERSONAL CONTACT WHEN POSTING HERE (or any where on the Internet). And of course, I will NEVER ask any of my fans for money and/or meeting alone in person (unless we have met via long before I've left HK or in a funs club’s group setting). If you are being asked to give your personal information/contact, for money, or to meet in person alone, DO ASK FOR HELP!!!! So, be careful and take good care of yourself. OK? Many Thanks to the fans who brought this up!!!2小编也是想让大家多认识香港粤配文化~ 如果喜欢香港动漫粤配文化, 就关注@香港声音 和YY频道86062896 了解更多香港粤配的事吧o(≥ω≤)o~~ 大家有什麼希望小编介绍的人或事,或希望我会辨的活动,请私信我呗~ 另外,本微博长期招管理员, 有意请私信~~ 复活节期间(今天至6/4), 小编除继续於微博更新配音员的事, 也会YY频道86062896於"歌曲专区"会播放TVB旧时儿歌:)(4月4儿童节呀~) 大家可以去点歌和猜歌名歌手啊~~40Hello Everyone, How are you all doing? Hope that you've survived the winter and are now getting ready for the spring! Some Fans/Friends have expressed their concerns of the safety on posting on the Internet (e.g. “写英文既未必是JIMMY,可以冒充姐!” and “系囖 我唔系唔信 我只系唔想比人呃啫”). Good job!!! And Thank YOU!! Please go and read “A reminder from Jimmy” now if you have not done so. 因为我都唔想你地比人呃!!! I've just recovered from a cold that lasted for a week. It was painful, especially the runny nose... Not fun at all. Some p55Hello Everyone! Hope that you are having a great start on 2009 and that all is well! I am planning to going to Hong Kong for a week to see my friends and family from 03/02 to 08/02. I will be free on 06/02 that afternoon. Will any of you in HK be interested in meeting for lunch? You will have to pay for your own lunch. Besides that, you don't have to pay for anything else. Let me know if you're interested and I will set up the place and time to meet in the next post. Looking froward to seeing you there! Have fun! Cheers, Jimmy >: )8Please sign up here before Friday, 06-02-2009, so that is easier for Carol Jai and love_jimmy. Many thank!! See you soon! Cheers, Jimmy1难道真系日有所思夜有所梦?昨晚居然梦见占美返港度岁,个梦境好真实,就算今朝醒左我仲好记得。占美,你在彼邦几好吗?新年快到啦,祝你新年快乐,身体健康!13Meet Our Alumni See what our Alumni are up to Jimmy View more pictures Meet Jimmy (Chi Kuen) Kwok - an old IELI student turned playwright. By Silvia Santacruz (see Silvia's bio at bottom of article) An African-American woman trying to find love on the Internet. That is what Longing, Jimmy Kwok's latest theatre play is about. The theme is based on his impressions about New York and the loneliness that he believes most New Yorkers suffer. "You can see single people everywhere, living only for their jobs without family...", observes Jimmy. The main actress, Anita Ahiadormey,6唔该,边个得闲去顶下我啊9昨晚观看My name is 邦, 访问3位配音员, 崔建邦在尾段提及一位配音员, 他称呼 郭占美, 声完之后我立即大叫起来. 估唔到佢都知. 佢形容占美系配音界神话. 而珍姐就不停赞占美......好感动呀!! 劲开心!! 因为占美已退出呢行都有一段时间. 仲有人提. 至於详细系点, 我找到link 再send 比你地睇.1超级挂住佢,佢最近点呢? 做紧咩? 大家有冇佢ge消息近况?2不知不觉,距离上次与Jimmy的聚会已经过去一年多了。但是,回想起当日聚会所发生的点点滴滴感觉就像是发生在昨日似的。一切都那么的难忘,一切都那么的梦幻般的真实。这一年里,关于Jimmy的消息是越来越少了,不知道远方的你是否安好,是否顺利呢?! 我相信,即使暂时没有你的消息,暂时不能再与你相聚,我们依然会为你祝福,依然会期盼你一切安好,一切顺利!我们依然盼望着与你再次相遇!!4权哥有无小朋友架^^148我睇左好多关于JIMMY噶贴 我发现好多人都系因为婚沙小天使噶洋介而真正爱上距!!哈哈..其实我都系噶!我记得我细个就知道有JIMMY衣把声 距配西游记噶旁白时 我就觉得距好掂 但真正爱上距把声 就系因为洋介!好有一种心灵冲击咖 简直就系我噶初恋般!甚至将洋介作为我第时稳男朋友噶标准添!! 虽然婚沙小天使 五算好风靡 但至小洋介把声陶醉了不小纯真的少女呢...KAKA..511我18岁, 算是比较年轻, 小时看的卡通有很多都是占美配的, 后来大了才知道那把好听的声音是谁!5我是一个93年嘅女仔,从小学二年级开始就迷上配音员神奇嘅声线,不过带我进入呢个圈子嘅配音员不是Jimmy,而系元春姐姐,从那时起只要有元春姐配嘅节目我都会睇,后来,我上左初一后,有一日,隔离嘅细路仔攞左《幽灵公主》嘅vcd翻来同我细佬睇,不过我以为系恐怖片,所以不敢睇,后来我细佬佢地一直话好好睇,赞不绝口,我忍唔住都睇左,当时发现有元春姐把声开心到飞起,但系飞鸟把声都深深吸引住我,那种感觉难以形容,好自然,完18姓名/别名 联络电邮 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.14不过我唔知点整可以比你地睇到 http://mytv.tvb.com/?page=1&tab=programme_list 要明天才可以上传度, 到期时大家去看一看 一有消息梗系通知郭志权贴吧的好朋友啦~~~~8