22Loric Objects ———————————————————————————————————————————— Most of the Loric objects can be found in a Garde's Chest. Some are stones that are found in, around, or on Lorien. 洛林物体 大部分洛林物品都可以在加尔德的箱子找到。 有些洛林石是在Lorien或在箱子周围被发现。
2Chimærae Bernie Kosar Bernie Kosar, also known as Hadley, is a Chimæra from Lorien. Chimæras have the power to morph into other animals or beasts. He has been following and protecting John and Henri ever since they came to Earth. John remembers that in Florida, there was always a gecko staring at him while he ate breakfast. While they are in Paradise, Bernie takes the form of a beagle. His name on Lorien was Hadley. John has a few visions of him back when they were on Lorien. In the second book, John realizes that Bernie Kosar is Hadley. Bernie helps John, Sam, and Six when ever they are in
5⑨:1i3kKUhf ⑤:1qW4Py6C 自己从国外网站上找来的,拖下来后传了网盘。 九号的很不错,边听边看很有感觉。但是一些部分与小说不符,我倾向于认为是电子版的小说的录入失误造成的。 五号的目前只找到这个,音质较差。如果想要更好的版本请自行寻找。 这两个都是出自同一个公司。⑨号的是M4A格式,五号成了32kbps的mp3...推测是有人转的。
12国有国法,校有校规,家有家规。关键第四号吧也有吧规。 首先,抵制三俗的帖子,包括水帖。 其次,本人新上任吧主没多久,望各位以后多多照顾一下,有
122011年02月24日01:46 新浪娱乐