1经核实吧主纳兰辛梓 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 弱水浮萍吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
0Drinking Alone in Moonlight By Li Bai Among flowers with a pot of wine, I drink alone with no accompany. I propose a toast to the moon and my shadow, then we are three. The moon drinks nothing, and the shadow follows me in vain. With two temporary companions, I seek pleasure in sleepless spring. I sing and dance, when the moon wanders, and my shadow is messy. We share joys when we're clear, and go apart after getting drunk. Wish we enjoy the roam forever, till we meet again on milky way.
0To Wanglun I was setting out by boat When I heard Wanglun chanting on the bank. Though Peach Pond is so deep, It can never compare with our friendship.
0Spring Complaint By Jin Changxu I tap the yellow warbler. Don't chirp in the branch When I dream of going faraway To gather with my husband.