36一楼还是给犬鹿吧,这对真心萌,特别是犬君死前说的最后一句话好感动........ 慢更【你真够了短文还慢更】,估计明天更完。
20标题别信√只是想弄得文艺一点 这里是啊墨的吧务楼。记录封删情况。
16罗琳阿姨亲笔,《哈利.波特》的前传,个人认为有犬鹿成分。 写发愿文 The speeding motorcycle took the sharp corner so fast in the darkness that both policemen in the pursuing car shouted,"Whoa!" Sergeant Fisher slammed his large foot on the brake, thinking that the boy who was riding pillion was sure to be flung under his wheels; however, the motorbike made the turn without seating either of its riders, and with a wink of its red tail lights, vanished up the narrow side street. "We've got 'em now!" cried PC Anderson excitedly. "
31.性质:指<<哈利.波特>>系列中小天狼星.布莱克(Sirius.Black)和詹姆斯.波特(James.Potter)的BL配对,攻受不定 2.请尽量登陆发帖 3.请按格式发帖:【定义】+标题 4.禁止发表不良信息,H尽量避免 5.欢迎水贴,但要按格式 6.禁止恶意信息 7.非原创请注明来源 最后,祝大家在这里开心
8第三人称的文,希望大家喜欢. 我叫安娜.特里劳尼,霍格莫德酒吧的老板.但是,我的身份 似乎并不止这些.至少在一个月前,还有预言师和引渡师.但我不 喜欢那些工作,预言师能够看穿一切,却无法改变,很无奈的感 觉,而引渡师,我不喜欢看这一个个灵魂在我眼前逝去.所以,我来到了这里. 作者:淡金色的守护2008-9-20 21:33 回复此发言 -------------------------------------------------------------