0Throughout one's whole life, we will face struggles like jobs, careers and working. Each single item of them is worthful and meaningful as well as an important turning point. I suppose that people now do not pay enough attention to it, and they are ignored. Jobs are assorted, and we may choose it whatecer way we want. However, we need to think of it as a precious opportunity in our lives even if most of us will all finally get a job. The jobs we take directly link to the lives we are going to undergo. Also, the programs we take in the univeraity influenced which jobs will we take in the future
0Eating might be one of the most enojyable feeling in the world. We are supposed to eat 5 different styles from all over the world of foods. Because China is my homeland, I have something to pass on. In my opinion, Chinese food is delicious at all. But, anyway, it is overadorned. It represented that much condiment is used to cook Chinese food. Although it will be made palatable, it might be a little bit unhealthy in my opinion. These months, I have eaten several different styles which are more than five including Korean food, German food, Mexican Food, French food, British food and even much mo
0Ms. Mitchrich Today, it supposed to be an exhausted day since Alan & Cillon did not do what they supposed to do. However, it changed unexpectedly. I was suprised that Ms. Mitchrich was so angry about what Alan & Collin did. Soon, I realized that it is a serious problem. Anyway, we were doing a game instead. This game was called 'What's Yours Like?(or what?)' instead. This game is a common game as far as I'm concerned. This is also a terrific game for a group of people to play. We were havin' a lot fun during this process. In fact, I was particapting the game properly in my own perspect
0@sspanda @贴吧楼委会
031L1u.115.***/file/clnuknk7 刚刚被吞了- - 不发封面了210u.115.***/file/clnc33u7 度娘你啥时候让我申请成功吧主啊!4再次召唤,@奇怪的地球62L上 @奇怪的地球1自购的,最近老是花钱在iTunes上3为赚发帖量,1楼1图0亲爱的各位吧友:欢迎来到死熊猫吧! 您可以在本吧内发表留言,并与其它来到这里的朋友分享交流。祝您在贴吧玩得愉快~ 贴吧楼委会