0mittlererund hoher Laufleistung verwendet und decken die unterstützende Wartung und Verwendung in derAutomobil-, Landwirtschafts-, Maschinenbau-, Schifffahrts- und anderen Branchenab. Die Produkte des Unternehmens werden in fast 200 Länder in Südamerika, dem Nahen Osten, Südostasien, Afrika, Osteuropa und anderenGebieten exportiert und sind vom Markt weithin anerkannt und bestätigt. Derzeitverfügt unserUnternehmen über mehr als10.000 Modelle von Ersatzteilen für Dieseleinspritzsysteme (Common-Rail-Systeme)und wir entwickeln ständig neue Produkte, um den Anforderungen des Marktes undde
0Our majored products are Head Rotor(VE PumpParts) , Hydraulic Head Suitable on Delphi Lucas DPA / DPS / DP200 / DP210 andDP310 CAV , pump head (VE pump head), nozzle, plunger, valve, injector, commonrail system’s accessories. During the EXPOMECANICA & AUTO PARTS2023 exhibition, we will bring our most advanced products such as Head Rotor,Plunger, Fuel Injector Nozzle,Common rail Injector, Valve set, Orifice Valve,Solenoid Valve etc. Diesel Injection Parts Application to Engines includeMERCEDES BENZ, CAT,TOYOTA 1KD,2KD,Hulix, MITSUBISHI 4D56 L200 ,SCANIA, VOLVO,CUMMINS,MAN, DAF, FORD, IVEC
0000000000000000000000000China-Lutong è una delle più importanti aziende cinesi nella distribuzione e produzione diparti, componenti e attrezzature per sistemi di iniezione diesel. Sulla basedel principio di onestà, credibilità e mutuo vantaggio, la nostra azienda aderisce sempre per promuovereil mutuo vantaggio con sforzi congiunti. Se partecipi, ci piacerebbe vederti lì. Venite a trovarci al nostro standL21 nel padiglione 6.1 alla Fiera di Canton 2023. Prevediamo di stabilire unarelazione commerciale a lungo termine tra le nostre due società CAPF - China Automobile Parts Fair 2023 will be held from 27th -29th00The 93rd China Automobile Parts Fair(CAPF) Has Opened At The Kunming Dianchi International Convention AndExhibition Center Today, Kunming Is The Capital And Largest City In YunnanProvince, Southwest China. The City AlsoActs As A Gateway To Southeast Asia And South Asia. Running From April 27th To29th, 2023. It Would Be A 3 Days Business Trade Show Focusing On The CompaniesNews, Products, And Services Of The Auto & Automotive Industry. TheExhibits Are Complete And Cover Most Of The Products In The Auto PartsIndustry, Including Automobiles, Auto Parts, Vehicle Parts And Components AsWell As0019000000