0经核实吧主Flee_逃城 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 血族英雄吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
12玩了两盘 孤胆枪手式的操作让我这个玩惯dota 的很不习惯啊 模式貌似是占领模式 3个据点 那个队伍全站了那个就赢了 中间团战无数 几个技能到现在都没搞清楚
5Marketplace • Players can now unlock items in the marketplace using either Funcom Points or Blood Coins. • New Avatar items added to the marketplace. • New Title items added to the marketplace. Achievements • Players can now unlock Achievements rewarding the player with Achievement Points and Blood Coin bonuses. • Achievements are viewable in the Player Profile. • Players that have already reached the requirement for certain Achievements will receive the rewards for these in a bundle when they login. (note that certain achievements will start from 0 ev
101都不知道这款游戏吗?1鄙人现在用的就是这个英雄,属于近战输出,一个很大的误区是很多人认为近战堆点和Tank一样优先堆力量,但是bloodline的近战英雄普遍存在移动慢,血量少的弊端,在大量实战中,近战需要足够的行动才能躲避远程的高伤害输出,因此以ravener为典型的近战系英雄需要在初期堆足够的speed来保持灵活性,但和stalker不同的是此类英雄单次输出峰值很高,所以第二个属性应选择依旧是power来优化自己的优势,最后在选择Vitality来弥补自己血量上的不足。 以10先要问问这游戏还能玩不,是不是开放的,如果可以玩,哪位大神能说一下注册流程,都是英文看不太懂=。=11General • A couple of crash fixes. • Fixed a bug causing the screen to remain black if a team forfeits during a fade. • Fixed an alt-tab bug that caused the game to freeze. • Fixed an alt-tab bug that caused the characters or map objects to be invisible. • Fixed a bug that caused the screen to go purple in-game on some graphics cards. Marketplace • Marketplace Update! A bunch of new items have been added to the Marketplace, check them out!0http://www.bloodlinechampions.com/home.php0Vivox Voice 'Brings the Noise' to Bloodline ChampionsPlayers can talk battle strategy in real-time to increase victories Durham, USA - January 18, 2011 - Vivox, Inc. (http://www.vivox.com), the number one integrated voice platform for the Social Web, today announced that Funcom's Bloodline Champions, the free-to-play online player vs. player (PvP) arena game, has selected Vivox’s high-definition (HD) voice solution for in-game communications. Voice is available as of launch. Developed by Stunlock Studios, Bloodline Champions is a fast-paced, pure PvP team game where players choose from a var10General • A bug causing the bloodgate to act very slow when updating profiles, marketplace, teams, trying to connect to games and more have hopefully been fixed • Matchhistory has been temporarily disabled • VoIP has been temporarily disabled • Players can now chat during the camera intro • Movement changes have been reverted due to a few glitches (this will be further tested before any changes are applied) • Melee cone area increased by ~15% (this will be further tested before any changes are applied) Bloodlines & Abilities Blood Priest Corpse Exp00Maelstrom - Blockhead 0:00 - 0:59 The Glitch Mob - Fortune Days 1:00 - 2:27 Betoko - Hoook 2:28 - 3:20 Blue Stahli - Hit Me 3:21 - 3:58 Morgan Page (Deadmau5 remix) - The Longest Road 3:59 - 6:41 Cage The Elephant - Ain't No Rest For The Wicked 6:42 - 9:35 Yolanda Be Cool - We No Speak Americano 9:360Based on our analysis of a considerable amount of player feedback during the beta for Bloodline Champions, we have decided to remove the VIP membership option from our offers. Some elements of the VIP membership will be given to everyone as part of the free offering. Other parts will be incorporated into Champion and Titan editions. We will continue to work on offering you the best service we can, for the best game out there. The changes will be as follows: Advanced stats: Everyone get this for free! VIP tournaments: Will be merged with the regular tournaments – everyone can join on equal fo0Launch is coming closer and mid-January is as good as here! Today we will have a Release Candidate patched to the beta servers together with the Shop and final testing is commencing. A Release Candidate is the proposed final build and if everything checks out, the servers will be taken down tomorrow at 8:00UTC for the final fixes and at: 12:00 UTC tomorrow the 13th of January the Bloodgate will open for launch!0以下是来自中国台湾地区的消息:《Bloodline Champions》(暂译《血族英雄》)是由 Stunlock Studios 研发、Funcom 代理发行,以竞技为主的 PVP 网路游戏,玩家可以自行选择一名英雄参与战斗。战斗方式可以单人也可以组队,最多允许 10 位玩家分成两队进入。0近日,游戏制作商Funcom宣布将会在本月之后取消《血族英雄》VIP会员的选项,与此同时将添加新选项,原内容不变。 据官方表示,由于从目前的公测反映情况来看,VIP会员选项在游戏实际运行中遇见了一些不便,所以将会在本月之后取消游戏中的VIP会员选项,取而代之的则是一种新的统计系统,而原VIP服务的内容在该统计系统中将不会有所变化。 《血族英雄》是一款节奏紧凑DOTA类PVP网游,在游戏中允许10位玩家分为2队,每一位玩家都可22239一楼前言,应该算个首发贴吧之类的吧,转的话注明下就好了。 貌似11月1日就开测了,现在我才看到,但是小光棍之后还有大光棍节,至少没有错过测试。0双生暗星1人一生只能杀一个人,杀人要背负对方的死