泯语 ga rebnuŕ, lisisu ro lēti ki só anmò. vepu täùiltúpt hićo paŕ sqí xí zílfù ec. lostet vasírtēa ins hijdóć kiŕ e ünkāsétń miŕ. kāsañim ga sánmu vase gülmi egó. r ninja, r smila rzu ipkën jvastē. tifi jèbīxŕ r lēti antu aflën ro ninja, e jèbīxnuŕupt apú gíxīzen ēa. alihati rs ninja ... agnistéht ro ninja sisretn anú e lípu vepu. r lēti ix linstagramns. 原文: About a year ago we took care of the little fox Leotie. But I always wanted to wait for the right moment to post our last video of her. She lives with her owner in North Germany now an