1一、♦ACCA P1-专业会计师Professional Accountant(PA)♦ 1、特点: 作为P阶段专业课程的第一门理论课程,P
0会计就是这么一回事 1.现金从哪里来:借来的是负债,投入的是所有者权益; 2.现金到哪里去:当期消失了的是费用,可以管好多期的是资产; 3.资产或以
0题号:1 | 类型:单选题 题目: Daffy Co makes and sells medical equipment and has a sizeable research and development unit. The directors hav
0题号:1 | 类型:单选题 题目: Daffy Co makes and sells medical equipment and has a sizeable research and development unit. The directors hav
0题号:1 | 类型:单选题 题目: Daffy Co makes and sells medical equipment and has a sizeable research and development unit. The directors hav
0题号:1 | 类型:单选题 题目: Daffy Co makes and sells medical equipment and has a sizeable research and development unit. The directors hav
0题号:1 | 类型:单选题 题目: Daffy Co makes and sells medical equipment and has a sizeable research and development unit. The directors hav
0题号:1 | 类型:单选题 题目: According to IAS 18,revenue from the sale of goods should only be recognisedwhen certain conditions have been
0第 1 题 The statutory right of pre-emption under S 561requires that: A. If a company proposes to repay a proportionof its shareholders the a
0第 1 题 When comparing the profits reported underabsorption costing and marginal costing during a period when the level ofinventory increase
0第 1 题 Of the three main sources of rules that regulatethe behaviour of businesses, the minimum level of acceptable behaviour is setby whic
01.Advantageof absorption costing (AC): (can link to the disadvantage of marginal costing) 1)When sales fluctuate because ofseasonality in demand but production is constant, AC avoids large fluctuationsin profit 2)Marginal costing fails to recognise theimportance of working to full capacity 3)Marginal costing does not recognise theeffects on pricing decisions if cost plus method of pricing is used 4)Prices based on marginal cost (minimumprices) do not guarantee that contribution will cover fixed costs 5)In the long run all costs are variable,and absorption costing recognises these long-run vari
01.Costsof information: (Internal source) 1)Direct data capture costs: use of barcoding 2)Processing costs: inputting data to theMIS 3)Cost of inefficient use of information:information disseminated more widely than needed 2.Costsof information: (External source) 1)Direct search costs: subscriptions tomagazines 2)Indirect access costs: spurious accuracy 3)Management costs: wasted time onexcessive processing 4)Infrastructure costs: maintenance ofcomputer server 5)Time theft: information overload 3.Advantageof external information: (can link to the disadvantage of internal information) 1)Saves ti
01.Problems with performance management innot-for- profit organisations: 1) Multipleobjectives 2) Measuringoutputs 3) Lackof profit measure 4) Natureof service provided 5) Financialconstraints 6) Political,social and legal considerations 2.Solutions for the problems withperformance management in NFP: 1) Judgeperformance in terms of inputs 2) Useexperts’ subjective judgement 3) Usebenchmarking 4) Useunit cost quantitative measures 3.Advantages of divisionalisation: 1) Topmanagement are freed up from day-to-day operations and can devote more time tostrategic planning; 2) Divisionsprovide valuab
01.Management Information Systems: Generate information for monitoringperformance (eg productivity information) and maintaining co-ordination (egbetween purchasing and accounts payable). The Characteristics as below: 1)Supportstructured decision at operational and management control levels; 2)Designedto report on existing operations; 3)Havelittle analytical capability; 4)Relativelyinflexible; 5)Havean internal focus 2.Executive information systems: Provide a generalised computing andcommunication environment to senior managers to support strategicdecisions. 3.TheCharacteristics of Enterprise re
0会计男说:“亲爱的,俺的钱目前不够买房子,咱俩也老大不小了,我们还是先领证结婚吧!都是我赚钱少,没能耐,以后我会玩命赚钱的,行吗?” 以下是
0ACCA在全球范围内均有考场,在中国地区的多个城市设有考试中心,通常包括常规考试中心和特殊考试中心。常规考试中心是常年开放,每次考试都可正常报考;特殊考试中心为特定开放,不是每次报考都可供选择,每期当期报考期前会提前公布,因此是不固定的考试地点。 在报考时,提前查询好离自己最近的考试中心,记录好考场代码,选择合适的考试地点才能保证自己顺利的参加考试。 ACCA国内考点地址: 北京考点地址: I998 北京广播电视
0学员通过了ACCAF1-F9科目考试或完成CAT+ ACCA F4-F9 考试只需加写一篇研究和分析报告即可获得Oxford Brookes University 的会计学学士学位(BSc(Hons)
0财务英语词汇T-2 tender closing date 截标日期 tender deposit 投标按金 tender evaluation 投标评估 tender for construction 招标承建 tender for
0ACCA and the Certified General Accountants Association of Canada (CGA-Canada) have a global mutual recognition agreement (MRA). Originally s
0职位介绍: 为安永中国的审计部门提供后端支持类服务,包括: 审计底稿和审计报告的复核总结; 项目管理信息复核; 函证生成; 审计系统信息确认及更新。 要求: 1 应届生岗位:会计或者财务管理相关专业2014或2013年毕业生,英语六级或六级相当 2 初级岗位:会计或者财务管理相关专业,一年以上三年以下local 会计师事务所审计工作经验,英语六级或六级相当 3 中级岗位 :三年到六年四大会计师事务所审计工作经验,英语六级或六级相当 简历投
0acca为全球统一考试,每年六月、十二月举行两次,中国所在时区的开考时间为下午15:00,2013年6月份考试时间:6月3日-12日,具体时间安排如下: Monday
0你也许看到了很多同学拿到了令人艳羡的名企OFFER, 听说了他们获得了众多名企HR们的青睐, 那么到底具备了什么样的素质才让他们获得如此青睐? 名企HR