0经核实吧主ElitesChaos 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 cranbrookkingswood吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
1Senior们马上就要毕业了,希望你们能获得心目中的大学的录取! Junior, Sophomore, Freshmen,好好学习,天天想上! 2013Fall们,祝你们能申上CK,加油!
1格式 名字: XXX(比如:Alex) 所在地:XX(比如:深圳) QQ/联系方式:XXXXXXXXXX (比如:182930924) TOEFL/SSAT:XXX/XXXX(XX%) (比如: 120/2400(99%))
4性别:M Class of: 2015 联系方式: QQ:807775920 Skype:Eric Xi Rui Qi FB: Eric Xi Rui Qi
9官网上针对中国学生的规定,只看verican ,这个半小时的测试就能看出真实的水平?这个也太不重视中国孩子吧?
0照如今的节奏我只希望不是全年最后一帖 @ElitesChaos, 不管如何,大家新年快乐。
14本人师从自然,苦心钻研十年有余,现欲往东方长乐世界巩固道果。今路过ck吧,特立下此贴,为众吧友免费算命。只求攒功德,小善积而为大善。 玩笑一时大家笑笑别当真。 吧主缓删适当水水更健康。
2Kingswood Song (to "Finlandia”) Beside a lake, beneath an oak-clad hill,Stands Kingswood School, a mission to fulfill,Of leading youth to great nobility,Gladly to serve humanity.The lake reflects the blue of spacious skyThe pure white swans go calmly gliding by;The greensward stretches far away untilIt blends into that verdant hill.Our banner flaunts the blue, the white, the green,E'er to remind us of this happy scene.To be a challenge to a tireless strifeFor better things and better life. Cranbrook Hymn God of Light and Universal Truth! Thou patient Guide and Friend of Joyous Youth Before T
14The Admission Committee has completed its review of her application foradmission to the eleventh grade at Cranbrook Kingswood Upper School for the 2013-2014 academic year. The committee feels that she would prosper at Cranbrook Kingswood and that she would add a great deal to her class.Unfortunately, openings in the Upper School are limited, and we cannot immediately offer her a place in her class for 2013-2014. We have placed Sophie in our wait pool and hope to offer her a place before school starts. However, due to our inability to determine if and when new spaces may become available, we ca
27我现在申请晚了想春季,不知道申请Cranbrookkingswood2014春季11年级的是否合适。 目前我标化还没达标T:88;ssat没出;sat1580(去年裸考的、见笑) 我在国内某高中11年级,今年会刷掉ap五门,明年5月刷掉ap一共11门。
10Essentials Pillow Blanket Bed sheet set (single) Curtain (boys window= 54” x 65”) Laundry needs (detergent, basket, fabric softener) Toothpaste Toothbrush Soap Towels Shampoo, conditioner Scissors Writing utensils (pencils, pen, etc.) Tissues Clothing hangers Alarm clock Phone (wireless recommended) Phone card (international) Facial wash, face moisturizer Kitchen utensils Cleaning supplies for room Recommend Computer (laptop) Printer (strongly recommended) Printer paper LAN cord Fan Bathrobe Extension cord (surge protector) Hair dryer Desk lamp Pictures from home Traditional outfit for Wor
1学生:139495077 学生+家长:32604923
5去年ms ck提前发offer的?
46好的~~9转10,然后有点EC......S77% T我还不知道......今年CK有戏吗......2各位有兴趣的人都可参加。想要申请的话可以在下面留言。9近日Findingschool创始人张先生从波士顿回国探亲,笔者有幸跟张先生会面,并带来了儿子学校的校报,其中的2011年大学升学名单是我最为关心的,在百忙中抽空将名单进行了较为细致地分析,在此将结果跟大家分享: 2011年毕业学生总数218名,除4名学生升入职业冰球联盟(该校的冰球队是北美传统强队),其他均升入大学深造。在所有学生中185人考入全美前100的综合性大学和文理学院,占比高达85%。其中前100综合性大学154人,前100文理学院31人。 各位6我现在用去年申请的分数T97, S2070 62% 打算1月末考一次SAT,冲2100 偏理,目前有过WPI数学竞赛奖学金$1000 Fall term 成绩为A,A,A,A,B+…… 请问这样转校成功的机会大么??11生物学 (Biology) 微积分AB (Calculus AB) 微积分BC (Calculus BC) 计算机科学A (Computer Science A) 计算机科学AB (Computer Science AB) 欧洲历史 (European History) 法语 (French Language) 法国文学 (French Literature) 德语 (German Language) 拉丁语:维吉尔 (Latin: Vergil) 拉丁文学 (Latin Literature) 物理B (Phy0我现在用去年申请的分数T97, S2070 62% 打算1月末考一次SAT,冲2100 偏理,目前有过WPI数学竞赛奖学金$1000 Fall term 成绩为A,A,A,A,B+…… 请问这样转校成功的机会大么??6以下简介参考在校生Will的简介。@银银的死神, 原网址:http://www.taisha.org/bbs/thread-1610470-1-1.html The Cranbrook Schools,又称Cranbrook或者CK,位于Michigan洲大底特律地区的Bloomfield Hills。此处是底特律的白人区,因此治安并没有底特律传闻中的那样差。CK的校园有美丽的建筑,因此吸引了很多游客前来观光。纽约时报的建筑评论家曾称赞CK的校园“one of the greatest campuses ever created anywhere.” CK是Michigan洲最强的私立高中,也是整个Midwest地区能与New England地区学校抗60加油!!0During the academic day and in our dining hall, Cranbrook Kingswood Upper School students are required to dress according to standards that respect our learning environment. While students have the right to express their individuality, their clothing and footwear should be appropriate, neat and clean, and should also comply with the expectations described below. Regular Dress Days (usually Tuesday-Friday): Boys: dress shirts, turtlenecks, knit shirts, sweaters, T-shirts (plain or CK or college), slacks, shorts when seasonably appropriate (Sept.-Oct. & Apr.-June). Girls: dresses, skirts, bl02响应号召前来占领贴吧