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Lay Your Head On Down

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  • 17
    Raichu 10-25
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    Emme因为Lyme Disease的恶化,不得不停止对音乐的追求,并且亟需治疗,下面是我从fb上找来的一些信息,希望关注她的朋友有个了解。 我刚知道消息的时候,捐赠基金很少刚起步,看着有点心寒,就拜托在美国的朋友帮忙买了件T恤,虽是杯水车薪,但也尽份力吧。 哎,对于这位喜欢的小众民谣歌手,祝福她早日康复,继续自己的音乐之路。
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    能精否?虽然是别人传的... http://www.verycd.com/topics/2767425/
  • 4
    On the moon with the dust not stone many crater for my bed. There is a strange man which is cheer up rocking back with which bias on my head. In the room with the king and the queen and the prince and the princess too. And a dog is the God for the golden sun, not a person knew. I, I, I. Hide, hide, hide. Like run, run, run that fast. The shade in the spider’s web make me silk for the never flying. That one’s dome can not come on glue no matter how hard you try. He said, I, I, I that would hide, hide, hide like run, run, run that fast. The door would in ride here for good swar
  • 0
    Emme Packer出生于盐湖城郊外的小镇Farmington,13岁时开始自学吉它和唱歌,直到Emme年满18岁时独立发行了他的第一张专辑,她的音乐才能才被大家所知晓。Emme Packer的音乐十分清淡,把自己的想法和女孩的心事渗透在舒畅的旋律和歌词中,不加修饰的声线,自然流露出来的情绪,清新质朴,简单而不乏味,美丽却不张扬。淡淡的吉他,淡淡的声音,一把吉它经由她手所谱写出的旋律是那么迷人,富于真情实感的音乐更能打动人心,更能与听者产生共鸣,

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会员: kite

目录: 个人贴吧