036http://pan.baidu.com/s/1eQ6aesU 密码:9wn90经核实吧主Bibo_bieb 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 loverosie吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组122有没有清晰度比较高的资源,越大越好,目前好像只能找到990mb的版本192Rosie在Alex婚礼上告白时的悲伤钢琴曲!曲名叫什么?求!谢谢了!1I hope i didn't take it for granted I think maybe i did because sometimes you don't see that the best thing that's ever happened to you1一小时二十二分时Rosie 和Ruby去机场时响起的背景音乐151两人看完展吵架,roise回家时的音乐10我想买一个0就是罗茜看她爸爸给他写信时的背景音乐是什么啊,好想知道好想知道。01如题0片尾曲是什么49518昨晚看了一遍哭成狗,今晚又看了一遍又哭成狗,嘤嘤嘤太虐太温暖,单身狗简直不想活在这个世界上了1心情久久不能平复59实时更新loverosiefilm的IG9107Alex在她和婚礼后楼上的阳台上对罗茜说他喝了五杯龙舌兰那段什么意思?罗茜突然明白了什么?319今天终于看完了!177来吧来吧~~ 水水更健康~~2Take a deep breath,and start at the beginning. Tell them how we first met. Tell them that,ever since, we shared our dreams....even Alex's weirdest ones :) No,keep that as our secret. Tell them that this is,that it has to be...one of the happiest days of my life :( "Everybody?.....Pleaseeeee! For those I havn't had the chance to say HI to properly.I'm Rosie.And this has got to be,one of the happiest days of my life." "Final word of warning.Alex can hold his drink to an almost lethal dgree,as I discovered on my 18th birthday,when he decided a night of tequila slmmers w0见资源汇总贴2RT,有一款预告片中有一句歌词can you feel me from a hundred million miles away,请问出自哪首歌的6明晚再去看一次,马上要下了...4新人因为莉莉看了预告片很喜欢,但人物性格,背景不太了解,如题1