关注: 10 贴子: 156

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    大家好! 世界杯结束了!西班牙夺冠!英格兰早早被淘汰了!只能四年以后再说了…… 我们6月中旬展开了德国、捷克的小型巡演,并参加了捷克的KOUPAK音乐节,非常有意思的一次经历。我们在德国的时候,还和一些德国朋友在酒吧里看了比赛。看上面这张图,你不觉得JHON的发型很像德国的老将沃勒尔吗? KOUPAK音乐节我们和我们的好兄弟——来自法国的朋克乐队HOGWASH一起演出,非常开心,很久没见到他们了!他们乐队很不错,大家可以上他们的MYSPAC
    流逝梦 7-28
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    http://www.douban.com/note/73007606/?post=ok#last MIKE TV给中国乐迷的问候!2010-05-25 01:46:14 Hello beautiful people of China! How are you all? Just a quick thank you note from your favourite U.K band - Mike TV! We had a great time touring China again this year, it was our second tour and even better than last year! So we'd like to say thank you for coming out to see us play and thanks to Paul at Hotpot Music for sorting everything out for us again. Sorry to the people of Chengdu that Domb couldn't sing! Also we apologise for the sound in Xi'an, we couldn't do anything about it. We'l
    流逝梦 7-6
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    Favourite Foe的MV http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=750318861 2L开始放图
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    China 'Try Your Best' Tour 2010!
    eelipse 5-1

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