【信息板858】24年12月14日阿森纳资讯 枪迷朋友们,喜欢关注阿森纳信息的可以关注我和我的同名公号,每天都会更新阿森纳资讯。 评论区期待与您的互动,您的支持就是我更新的动力,谢谢大家。 机翻,附带了英文原文。 0.如果您有枪迷群,欢迎邀我进群,我会每天搬运信息,感谢。 阿森纳黑龙江球迷会和阿森纳海南球迷会以及枪迷聊天群邀请您的加入: 绿色应用添加:Arsenalwenger22 1.米克尔·阿尔特塔谈一月转会窗: “我从不指望一月会非常繁忙,但总会有一些惊喜出现。希望球队
海布里的阿尔塞纳 2024-12-14 10:02 新鼓手Colin Brittain的豪华维基百科履历 看完只能用豪华来形容,很多耳熟能详的名曲像A神的The Nights、S7主题曲Legends Never Die、OOR的Ambition这张碟和Aimer的歌他都有参与制作 2014: Dark Waves-Outsider:歌曲制作人/联合作曲/混音 5 Seconds of Summer-Never Be/Tomorrow Never Dies:联合制作人/混音师 Beautiful Bodies-Battles:联合作曲/联合制作人/混音师 2015: Ghost Town-Evolution:制作人/作曲 ONE OK ROCK-Take me to the Top/Cry Out/Good Goodbye:制作人/联合作曲/混音师 AVICII-THE NIGHTS:吉他手 2016: AIMER-INSANE DREAM/CLOSER/FALLING ALONE:编曲 He
8LACKOUT 2024-09-10 21:00 【英语】one question again. 碰到一个短语 【英语】one question again. 碰到一个短语run into,在学的时候有句例句是这样的: I'm going to be running my mother into the city tomorrow morning if you want a lift in. 两个问题:1.为什么是going to be running,而不是going to run;2. lift in是什么意思,查不到。谢谢大家!
瓜族长胡瓜 2024-04-20 12:11 早上好呀,今天是周五 The brisk chilling air is calling, 清新而寒冷的空气在欢呼, And out there we re free to run and jump and live so wildly, 我们在这儿自由地奔跑跳跃,生活得无忧无虑, Head-first, we ll go tumbling, 也许会栽一个大跟头, To places unknown with nothing but, 然后去一个没人知道的地方, the stars to light our way, 只有星星照亮我们前方的路, And though the sun may set at night, 就算太阳在傍晚时分落下, tomorrow looks so bright, 但明天又是充满希望的一天, 'Cause home, 只要你在我身边, is
薇薇萤石眼之歌 2024-06-28 07:24 回复:【英语】one question again. 碰到一个短语 1. run和into是分开的。run有“开车送…”的意思。run my mom / into the city=开车送我妈进城。
2.lift和in也是分开的。lift有“便车”的意思。in后面省略了in the city,做lift的定语。
A.I will run her into the city tomorrow if you want a lift.
B.I will be running her into the city if you want a lift.
?红摘心? 2024-04-20 13:35 死亡空间2全废案文本鉴赏 最近一直都在发各种小豆腐块,好久没来点大的了,这次咱们来品鉴死亡空间2里被删除的各种废案日志,从中也可以窥探下制作组在早期开发时的一些想法 1. (1)Erin, Today we successfully installed 5 clone drives in the Project Telomere offsite data backup The months and months of painstaking recruiting to sway disgruntled fringe employees to our cause has now paid off handsomely. The janitor's door codes were enough to trace the authorization route and point to which duplicate server was really in use. The 5 drives were planted on th
attprtt 2024-10-03 13:52 令和骑士主题曲歌词的英文翻译 REAL×EYEZ: 01 (x20) Getting access to a massive archive Tried to run a search, but I don't think it's right The data's only from the past, the words are just signs It seems the answer I need is 404 not found 01 (x8) REALxEYEZ, that this is the signal For the start of the new generation we gotta SUNxRISE, burning like the fires To forge your own destiny, you wanna REALxEYEZ, that there's a brighter future But someone, needs to fight for it And you're the only one! 01 (x12) Updating the storage of my brain Analyzing because I don't feel it's right. An emotional INFLUENCER Once you're lost, it's
mgmtmgmtm36468 2024-09-12 10:51 journey down2攻略 这游戏是不是太小众 我觉得制作很不错啊 画风挺好 跟之前玩的tomorrow runaway很像 刚开始玩也是一直找攻略不过没找到 那我就自己写写
Asrp 2014-09-04 13:24 关于疾风剑豪亚索一直以来颇具争议的一句台词 喜欢玩亚索的朋友都应该知道他一句经典的台词:且随疾风前行,身后亦需留心(一许流星) 。那么问题来了,到底是一许流星,还是亦需留心? 为此我专门查了下美服亚索背景台词的资料。真实性不得而知。 出场台词 Upon Selection死亡如风,常伴吾身。"Death is like the wind; always by my side."行动台词 Action移动 Movement长路漫漫,惟剑相伴。 "A sword's poor company for a long road."吾之荣耀,离别已久。 "My honor left a long time ago."宁日安在,无人能云
Miss御龙 2014-11-15 09:25 【励志】此刻打盹,你将做梦;而此刻学习,你将圆梦 哈佛大学图书馆馆训 1. This moment will nap, you will have a dream; but this moment
study, you will interpret a dream.
steel_warrior 2013-01-11 17:35