再来就是Tωitter的trending topic了……Jensen在生日那天成了Tωitter的worldwide trend(类似热门话题,世界性的喔!),我截图的时间较晚,所以是第五名,之前有看到第四的,不过找不到图了……

”steviecarlson Wow, Jensen Ackles is a worldwide trend?! Trying to convince him he needs an account now. Pretty sure he’ll respond 2 peer pressure ”(大意是他想说服Jensen开个帐号)
”GrooveGoddess Our pal, Jensen Ackles is trending on Tωitter 4 his b-day. Wondering if the SPN fandom of awesomeness has something 2 do w it? yeah…duh.”(大意是说粉丝给力)