Shall I Compare Thee to an April Day?
--A Psalm of Love
Shall I compare thee to an April day?
Thou laughter has lifted up breezes far and near,
And swiftly,dazzled everything in the vernal air.
Thee are the thin mist rising in the April dawn,
The evening bzeeze coming soft,the stars winking.
For naught,and the drizzles soaking the bugs in thirst.
The delicary,the grace characterizes thee;Sublime
The crown of flowers belongs to thee.Innocent,
Sacred,thee are the full moon shining high every night!
In the ivory of newly melted snow,I see you
And in the newly sprouted shoots of green emerald,
In the white lily opening joyfully in the shimmering lake!
Thee are the flowers in bloom,and swallows whistling
On the beam.Thee are love,warmth,a beautiful poem,
And after all --thee are the most lovely April day of charm!
--A Psalm of Love
Shall I compare thee to an April day?
Thou laughter has lifted up breezes far and near,
And swiftly,dazzled everything in the vernal air.
Thee are the thin mist rising in the April dawn,
The evening bzeeze coming soft,the stars winking.
For naught,and the drizzles soaking the bugs in thirst.
The delicary,the grace characterizes thee;Sublime
The crown of flowers belongs to thee.Innocent,
Sacred,thee are the full moon shining high every night!
In the ivory of newly melted snow,I see you
And in the newly sprouted shoots of green emerald,
In the white lily opening joyfully in the shimmering lake!
Thee are the flowers in bloom,and swallows whistling
On the beam.Thee are love,warmth,a beautiful poem,
And after all --thee are the most lovely April day of charm!