Some questions and answers to myself. Just a little sharing of thoughts, hope you don't mind. It's growingly difficult to leave comments on your blog, eva.
1.Why I wrote T/B?
The absence of balance in T/B is what attracted me. I always like equal relationship, but in T/B, Beleg amazed me most by hanging on with Turin even he knew he became growingly dissapointed with him; And Turin had a special kind of beauty in his personality. He loved Beleg deeply, and he also loved Thingol, Melian and other elves who were kind and caring to him. But he couldn't help goofing off and failing them all. Man, that's must be very difficult, and sad.
2.Am I a A/L slasher?
No. I only read the especially well-written ones. Nothing slashy about A/L in the LOTR books, actually. Let's blame Orlando, Viggo and PJ the Panda for all those A/L fanfictions on the internet.
3. What else do I read and write?
Papers. Just kidding. Band of Brothers(Winnix), SENRU and A/L. Anything else depends on the quality of the fiction.