Political and Economic Integration of New and Old Members in
European Union: An Analysis of Germany and Poland's Agricultural
Policy Integration.
It had a whole change in politics, economics and societies of European
continent since 1980. These changes concentrated in European Union inside
integration and turn in the direction of enlargement for the most level. U.S.S.R.
(Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, USSR) had promoted series reformed after
Gorbachev held the reins of government. It contended that Central-Eastern European
Countries (CEEC) should go a step further to reform with U.S.S.R. and disengage
economic depend relations from U.S.S.R. on their foreign policies. Therefore, it
causing CEEC economic and trade relationship become chill with U.S.S.R. On
contrary, its relations become intensely toward Western Europe countries. After end
of cold war, CEEC appears many regional organizations. These organizations went a
step further integrated free trade of CEEC. Nevertheless, the existed goal of these
organizations is to adapt the transition after USSR collapsed rather to oppose with EU.
On the contrary, it promoted trade communication with Western-Europe by these
organizations and become a launching pad of accessing to EU indirect. The fifth
enlargement of EU in May 1st 2004, for the economic level, it expended large
expenditure market and promoting CEEC economics reformed. For politics level,
enlargement promoted political development and stability in CEEC and some old
member states of EU can strengthen their security of their border. It replaced
established political position of Europe in the world.
Germany is the powerful economic group in the European continent and
Poland is the biggest state of the fifth enlargement. Their interaction is closely. In
political, after cold war Germany located between Western-Europe with Eastern-
Europe and it is the cutting edge state of EU. After enlargement, it pushed
Western-Europe border and Germany wasn't the border firewall. On the other hand,
Germany consolidated its border security, and made it more stability and security. In
economics level, Germany located on the central Europe and nearby Eastern-Europe.
It is so convenience that Germany accessed into Eastern-Europe vast market. Because
of the regional convenience, Germany is the first benefit country of the EU after the
fifth enlargement. To Poland, in the political level, Poland will be the cutting edge of
the EU and moved up its strategy position after EU enlargement. Poland join into EU
had the following benefits: first, it can develop its competition advantages in the
European single market. Second, lots of subsidy of EU can help Poland advanced its
domestic infrastructure. Therefore, enlargement is the necessary choice for Poland.
Common agricultural policy (CAP) occupied almost half of the general budge in the
EU; therefore, we can understand that CAP is an important issue in the EU. EU
Political and Economic Integration of New and Old Members in
European Union: An Analysis of Germany and Poland's Agricultural
Policy Integration.
It had a whole change in politics, economics and societies of European
continent since 1980. These changes concentrated in European Union inside
integration and turn in the direction of enlargement for the most level. U.S.S.R.
(Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, USSR) had promoted series reformed after
Gorbachev held the reins of government. It contended that Central-Eastern European
Countries (CEEC) should go a step further to reform with U.S.S.R. and disengage
economic depend relations from U.S.S.R. on their foreign policies. Therefore, it
causing CEEC economic and trade relationship become chill with U.S.S.R. On
contrary, its relations become intensely toward Western Europe countries. After end
of cold war, CEEC appears many regional organizations. These organizations went a
step further integrated free trade of CEEC. Nevertheless, the existed goal of these
organizations is to adapt the transition after USSR collapsed rather to oppose with EU.
On the contrary, it promoted trade communication with Western-Europe by these
organizations and become a launching pad of accessing to EU indirect. The fifth
enlargement of EU in May 1st 2004, for the economic level, it expended large
expenditure market and promoting CEEC economics reformed. For politics level,
enlargement promoted political development and stability in CEEC and some old
member states of EU can strengthen their security of their border. It replaced
established political position of Europe in the world.
Germany is the powerful economic group in the European continent and
Poland is the biggest state of the fifth enlargement. Their interaction is closely. In
political, after cold war Germany located between Western-Europe with Eastern-
Europe and it is the cutting edge state of EU. After enlargement, it pushed
Western-Europe border and Germany wasn't the border firewall. On the other hand,
Germany consolidated its border security, and made it more stability and security. In
economics level, Germany located on the central Europe and nearby Eastern-Europe.
It is so convenience that Germany accessed into Eastern-Europe vast market. Because
of the regional convenience, Germany is the first benefit country of the EU after the
fifth enlargement. To Poland, in the political level, Poland will be the cutting edge of
the EU and moved up its strategy position after EU enlargement. Poland join into EU
had the following benefits: first, it can develop its competition advantages in the
European single market. Second, lots of subsidy of EU can help Poland advanced its
domestic infrastructure. Therefore, enlargement is the necessary choice for Poland.
Common agricultural policy (CAP) occupied almost half of the general budge in the
EU; therefore, we can understand that CAP is an important issue in the EU. EU