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Political and Economic Integration of New and Old Members in
European Union: An Analysis of Germany and Poland's Agricultural
Policy Integration.
It had a whole change in politics, economics and societies of European
continent since 1980. These changes concentrated in European Union inside
integration and turn in the direction of enlargement for the most level. U.S.S.R.
(Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, USSR) had promoted series reformed after
Gorbachev held the reins of government. It contended that Central-Eastern European
Countries (CEEC) should go a step further to reform with U.S.S.R. and disengage
economic depend relations from U.S.S.R. on their foreign policies. Therefore, it
causing CEEC economic and trade relationship become chill with U.S.S.R. On
contrary, its relations become intensely toward Western Europe countries. After end
of cold war, CEEC appears many regional organizations. These organizations went a
step further integrated free trade of CEEC. Nevertheless, the existed goal of these
organizations is to adapt the transition after USSR collapsed rather to oppose with EU.
On the contrary, it promoted trade communication with Western-Europe by these
organizations and become a launching pad of accessing to EU indirect. The fifth
enlargement of EU in May 1st 2004, for the economic level, it expended large
expenditure market and promoting CEEC economics reformed. For politics level,
enlargement promoted political development and stability in CEEC and some old
member states of EU can strengthen their security of their border. It replaced
established political position of Europe in the world.
Germany is the powerful economic group in the European continent and
Poland is the biggest state of the fifth enlargement. Their interaction is closely. In
political, after cold war Germany located between Western-Europe with Eastern-
Europe and it is the cutting edge state of EU. After enlargement, it pushed
Western-Europe border and Germany wasn't the border firewall. On the other hand,
Germany consolidated its border security, and made it more stability and security. In
economics level, Germany located on the central Europe and nearby Eastern-Europe.
It is so convenience that Germany accessed into Eastern-Europe vast market. Because
of the regional convenience, Germany is the first benefit country of the EU after the
fifth enlargement. To Poland, in the political level, Poland will be the cutting edge of
the EU and moved up its strategy position after EU enlargement. Poland join into EU
had the following benefits: first, it can develop its competition advantages in the
European single market. Second, lots of subsidy of EU can help Poland advanced its
domestic infrastructure. Therefore, enlargement is the necessary choice for Poland.
Common agricultural policy (CAP) occupied almost half of the general budge in the
EU; therefore, we can understand that CAP is an important issue in the EU. EU

1楼2011-05-28 20:39回复
    enlargement was effecting the development seriously in Poland. The policies of
    agriculture and products sale and so on problems were all affected by Poland accessed
    into EU. Although, Germany isn't the major agriculture state, it has importance effect
    on farm products competition and agricultural integration with Poland because of its
    regional advantage. I will analyze each section from the agricultural policy of
    Germany and Poland and the agricultural policy of EU under the globalize trade
    Research motivation and problems
    Agricultural policy is an important issue in the EU, because there is a large number in
    agricultural population in the EU. Agricultural policies occupy a lot of budget in
    general budget. So, how to use the budget effective is an interesting issue that we seek
    out. Germany is a strong economics group in the EU. And, Poland has a lot of farmers
    in their country. Agriculture is the major industry in Poland. Germany and Poland are
    neighborhood. Researching in their interaction is necessary and I want to understand.
    Why I want to pick this topic is because I want to go to Europe in the future.
    So I need to do a project about Europe. And agriculture is an important issue in EU.
    Total amount these elements that why I want to do this topic.
    Literature Review
    Speaking of European integration, it refers to intergovernmentalism,
    supranationalism, neo-institutionalism, regional integration theory, constructivism etc.
    According to Zhang Ya-Zhong (2003), he referred to intergovernmentalism
    is expressed through each sovereignty. Intergovernmentalist thinks that defended
    national sovereignty is a duty of each national government. Accomplishment of
    Harmonious and progress of European is through cooperating between each national
    government, it isn't accomplished by each government's sacrifice. Supranationalist
    claimed that each country of European should restrict their sovereignty to centralize in
    a supranational organization to build up an integrated federation. 1
    According to Wu De-Yuan (2003), he thought that constructivism is relied
    on interaction, identify and then form and strengthen. Use of power must through idea
    institutionalize and net construct, and then it will bring effect.2
    Joshua S. Goldstein and Jon C. Pevehouse (2006) referred to idealism
    thought that only had a good institutional construction, it will be capability to solve
    problem in cooperated method between nation to nation. On the contrary, realism
    1 "Intergovernmentalism" means that it thinks defense state sovereignty is the duty of each government;
    the European concordance and progress are finished passed through the cooperation of each
    government, not instead of supranational organization by sacrificing each state's sovereignty.
    "Supranationalism" means that restricted sovereignty of each state, and concentrated it in a
    supranational organization, then established a consolidated federation.请见张亚中(2003),「欧洲联

    2楼2011-05-28 20:39
      2 "Constructivism" thinks that power politics, security dilemma, help by themselves aren't the couldn't
      avoid historical predestination in the international relations. Benefits and recognized aren't assumption
      and immobile so that they are relied on interaction and recognized of each other, and then producing
      and strengthen. The enforcement of power should pass through ideal institutionalized and constructed
      network so that it could work.请见吴得源(2003),「论国际关系社会建构论与组织社会学新制度论
      though that international system is in non-government, so claimed nations should rely
      on their own power to pursuit national benefit. 3
      Elizabeth (2004) said that European Union set up policy procedure can
      separate to three methods: the community method, the coordination method,
      the intergovernmental method. The community method means using a supranational
      form institution to set up policies instead national policies, and then promoting
      national sphere to EU sphere. It used on trade, finance and common agricultural
      policy. The coordination method is belong to set up national policies and those
      policies which between EU with nation. Always made up of independent exports, it
      provided policy idea and technical aid. It used on coordination of nation to nation's
      employment, culture and education policies. The intergovernmental method used on
      setting up to some problems of sensitive and involves national sovereignty such as
      diplomacy, safety and national defend policies.4
      Iain Begg & Friedrich Heinemann indicated that EU arranged budget of
      Common Agricultural Policy occupied near half of general budget annual, but they
      didn't use the budget effectively. According to these problems, British suggest to cut
      the agricultural budget on 2005.5
      3请见 Joshua S. Goldstein and Jon C. Pevehouse, International Relations, Upper Saddle River, N.J.:
      Pearson Education, 2006, pp55
      4请见Elizabeth Bomberg and Alexander Stubb, "The European Union: How Does it Work " Oxford,
      2004, pp137-154
      5请见Iain Begg &Friedrich Heinemann, "New Budget, Old Dilemmas", Centre For European Reform,
      Yang San-Yi (2006) indicated that after Poland join into EU, its influence
      can separate two parts to political part and economic part. On political part, in order to
      conform demands of EU in democracy, it will improve series reform of politics such
      as imitate western democracy institution, party politics interaction mode, etc. to get
      rid of communism enthusiastically. On the economic part, economics reform of
      Poland will continue trend toward liberal market economics to remove the influences
      of Russia gradually. Poland is not only can toward Europeanize even more but also
      develop their competition advantage in the European Community. On the other hand,
      economics influenced The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). CAP influence 180

      3楼2011-05-28 20:39
        finish the research paper.
        A. Introduction:
        a. Introducing my motive and purpose.
        b. Creating and introducing the structure in this paper.
        B. Literature review and discussion:
        To review and discuss relative literatures which have had finished by other
        experts, and then analyzing literatures.
        C. Theory of international relations and EU integration:
        Theories act as a mirror reflecting the real word systemically. According to
        these theories, we can analyze this issue effective.
        D. Policy cooperation and coordination mode:
        All of policies and decision are determine with coordination and cooperation
        in each members. So, the process of cooperation and coordination between
        members is a point discussion in this chapter.
        E. Analysis of Germany and Polish Agricultural Policy:
        Germany is the largest industry country in the EU. Farmers are minority in the
        Germany. How Germany government protect this minority is a point in this
        chapter. On the contrary, farmers in Poland are majority. So, we also discuss how
        Poland uses the Common Agricultural Policy budget effective.
        F. EU Agricultural integration and globalization :
        How EU adapts to the trend of low cost around the world. How EU
        arranges their global strategies to conquer the world situation is a point view in
        this chapter.
        G. Conclusion.
        The asymmetry integration of EU enlargement:
        For example, most farms are miniature agriculture in Poland, but most farms are large
        scale agriculture in Germany. Therefore, Poland's farms are the weak group in the EU.
        For Poland, it is hard to compete with the Germany large scale farms. After accessing
        into EU, Poland's farmer will have a vast impact not only on competition, but also
        will be merged.
        1. Edification of researching in EU integration and between members.
        Before EU enlargement, there are supported and opposed opinions in the new
        and old members. So, pessimists think new members can't compare on economics and
        politics with old members. They still need to learn from old members, but the result
        can't be seemed immediately. Slowly economics reform and domestic economics
        dejected bring about increasing unemployed rate and emigrant. Furthermore, because
        of low workforce price and low taxes cost in new members it cause industries of old
        members were move out and then bring about rising unemployed rate. Finally they
        will encumber economic develop in the whole EU. On the politics part, bureaucracy,
        low efficacy of administrates and corruptions are waiting to improve.
        On contrast, optimists think it has more economic efficacy when it
        enlargement than it didn't enlargement. Those moved out industries are traditional
        industries which needs large number of workforce and low material cost. It will
        improve domestic industries advance in the old members. Some high density capital
        and technique will increase employment opportunities because of entirety demand.

        5楼2011-05-28 20:39