The oldest sanctuary of the god of war was in Thebes, where inhabitants believed they descended from the Spartans, who grew from the teeth of the god's monster son, slain by Cadmus. The city's fortifications were dedicated to the god and named in his honor, Areion.The god's cult was equally strong in Athens. This is evidenced by the fact that Athenians named their criminal court (Areopagus) after the god. In addition, the oath taken by the Athenian youth when they entered manhood, was dedicated to him.The Spartans sacrificed roosters, oxen and dogs to the ancient statue of Enyalios (meaning "in the sea") Ares.In artisitic illustrations, the god, in addition to his sons Deimus and Phobus, was always accompanied in battle with Eris (Discord) and the hounds of Hades, known as Keres.The god's symbols were the spear and the brand. Also, the vulture and the hound were sacred to the god.