Freddy, go and find a cab.
Do you want me to catch pneumonia?
Don't just stand there, Freddy.
Go and find a cab.
All right, I'll get one.
Look where you're goin', dear.
Look where you're goin'!
I'm so sorry.
Two bunches o' violets trod in the mud.
A full day's wages.
-Freddy, go and find a cab.
-Yes, Mother.
He's your son, is he?
If you'd done your duty
as a mother should...
...you wouldn't let 'im spoil a poor girl's
flow'rs and run away without payin'.
Go about your business, my girl.
And you wouldn't go off
without payin', either.
Two bunches o' violets trod in the mud.
Sir, is there any sign of it stopping?
I'm afraid not. It's worse than before.
If it's worse, it's a sign it's nearly over.
Cheer up, Capt'n,
buy a flow'r off a poor girl.
I'm sorry, I haven't any change.
I can change 'alf a crown.
Take this for tuppence.
I told you, I'm awfully sorry.
Wait a minute.
Oh, yes. Here's three ha' pence,
if that's any use to you.
Thank you, sir.
You be careful.
Better give 'im a flower for it.
There's a bloke here behind that pillar...
...takin' down every blessed word
you're sayin'.
I ain't done nothin' wrong
by speakin' to the gentleman.
I've a right to sell flow'rs
if I keep off the curb.
I'm a respectable girl, so help me.
I never spoke to him except to ask him
to buy a flow'r off me.
-What's the bloomin' noise?
-A tec's takin' her down.
I'm makin' an honest livin'.
Who's doing all that shouting?
Sir, don't let 'im charge me.
You dunno what it means to me.
They'll take away me character
and drive me on the streets...
...for speakin' to gentlemen.
There, there. Who's hurting you,
you silly girl? What'd you take me for?
On my Bible oath, I never spoke a word.
Shut up! Do I look like a policeman?
Why'd ya take down me words?
'Ow do I know you took me down right?
You just show me
what you wrote ab'ut me.
That ain't proper writin'. I can't read it.
I can.
'"l say, Capt'n,
now buy a flow'r off a poor girl.'"
Oh, it's cause I called him '"Capt'n.'"
I meant no 'arm. Sir, don't let him lay
a charge against me for a word like that.
I'll make no charge.
Really, sir, if you are a detective...
...you needn't protect me
against molestation from young women...
...until I ask you.
Anyone could tell the girl meant no harm.
He ain't no tec. He's a gentleman.
Look at his boots.
How are all your people down at Selsey?
Who told you my people
come from Selsey?
Never mind, they do.
How do you come to be up so far east?
You were born in Lisson Grove.
Freddy, go and find a cab.
Do you want me to catch pneumonia?
Don't just stand there, Freddy.
Go and find a cab.
All right, I'll get one.
Look where you're goin', dear.
Look where you're goin'!
I'm so sorry.
Two bunches o' violets trod in the mud.
A full day's wages.
-Freddy, go and find a cab.
-Yes, Mother.
He's your son, is he?
If you'd done your duty
as a mother should...
...you wouldn't let 'im spoil a poor girl's
flow'rs and run away without payin'.
Go about your business, my girl.
And you wouldn't go off
without payin', either.
Two bunches o' violets trod in the mud.
Sir, is there any sign of it stopping?
I'm afraid not. It's worse than before.
If it's worse, it's a sign it's nearly over.
Cheer up, Capt'n,
buy a flow'r off a poor girl.
I'm sorry, I haven't any change.
I can change 'alf a crown.
Take this for tuppence.
I told you, I'm awfully sorry.
Wait a minute.
Oh, yes. Here's three ha' pence,
if that's any use to you.
Thank you, sir.
You be careful.
Better give 'im a flower for it.
There's a bloke here behind that pillar...
...takin' down every blessed word
you're sayin'.
I ain't done nothin' wrong
by speakin' to the gentleman.
I've a right to sell flow'rs
if I keep off the curb.
I'm a respectable girl, so help me.
I never spoke to him except to ask him
to buy a flow'r off me.
-What's the bloomin' noise?
-A tec's takin' her down.
I'm makin' an honest livin'.
Who's doing all that shouting?
Sir, don't let 'im charge me.
You dunno what it means to me.
They'll take away me character
and drive me on the streets...
...for speakin' to gentlemen.
There, there. Who's hurting you,
you silly girl? What'd you take me for?
On my Bible oath, I never spoke a word.
Shut up! Do I look like a policeman?
Why'd ya take down me words?
'Ow do I know you took me down right?
You just show me
what you wrote ab'ut me.
That ain't proper writin'. I can't read it.
I can.
'"l say, Capt'n,
now buy a flow'r off a poor girl.'"
Oh, it's cause I called him '"Capt'n.'"
I meant no 'arm. Sir, don't let him lay
a charge against me for a word like that.
I'll make no charge.
Really, sir, if you are a detective...
...you needn't protect me
against molestation from young women...
...until I ask you.
Anyone could tell the girl meant no harm.
He ain't no tec. He's a gentleman.
Look at his boots.
How are all your people down at Selsey?
Who told you my people
come from Selsey?
Never mind, they do.
How do you come to be up so far east?
You were born in Lisson Grove.