No one knows what puts a couple at risk for conceiving an XXY child.
Advanced maternal age increases the risk for the XXY chromosome count,
but only slightly.
Furthermore, recent studies conducted by NICHD grantee Terry Hassold,
a geneticist at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, OH,
show that half the time, the extra chromosome comes from the father.
没人知道导致一对夫妇怀孕XXY孩子的风险。高龄的母亲增加了XXY染色体数的风险,但很轻微。此外,近期的研究,NICHD认可的俄亥俄州克里夫兰凯斯西储大学遗传学者Terry Hassold指示,一半的几率,额外的染色体来自于父亲。
Dr. Hassold explained that cells destined to become sperm or eggs undergo a process known as meiosis.
In this process, the 46 chromosomes in the cell separate,
ultimately producing two new cells having 23 chromosomes each.
Before meiosis is completed, however, chromosomes pair with their corresponding chromosomes and exchange bits of genetic material.
In women, X chromosomes pair;
in men, the X and Y chromosome pair.
After the exchange, the chromosomes separate, and meiosis continues.
In some cases, the Xs or the X chromosome and Y chromosome fail to pair and fail to exchange genetic material.
Occasionally, this results in their moving independently to the same cell, producing either an egg with two Xs, or a sperm having both an X and a Y chromosome.
When a sperm having both an X and a Y chromosome fertilizes an egg having a single X chromosome, or a normal Y-bearing sperm fertilizes an egg having two X
chromosomes, an XXY male is conceived.