翻译 BY 靥生花 & 秋浦客不愁
http://www.jjwxc.net/onebook.php?novelid=1156117Qu jTitle: The Veela Enigma 书名:媚娃之魅
Category: Romance 类别:浪漫爱情
Rating: NC17 for adult language and situations 分级:NC17级(本书语言及情节超出17岁以下未成年人可接受范围)
Summary: What if some of Draco's ancestors, pretending to be
pureblood, concealed the truth about their veela heritage? You'd end up with
one very confused Draco Malfoy, who's fallen head over heels in love with Harry
Potter and has no idea why. A Harry/Draco Romance.
DISCLAIMER: This story is based on
characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers
including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast
Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or
trademark infringement is intended.
庄严宣誓:本故事所涉及的一切人物均来自JK Rowling,人物所有权在于她和那些不法书商。我本人不要求这些所有权,这故事乃非营利目的,所有的著作权商标权流通权皆非我所有,也无意冒犯
Please be aware that this story is 1) long; 2) a veela!Draco story, and 3)
contains NC-17 rated Harry/Draco slash. If you are underage or have a problem
with male/male relationships, you don't want to be here. For the rest of you,
on with the show!
作者声明:注意!1、本故事很长2、讲述媚娃血统的Draco 3、级别为NC17,包含一定程度的**成分,且配对为H/D,不够年龄及对此无法接受者慎入
ADDED JUNE 7 - Author's Note 2: JK Rowling has just revealed Draco Malfoy's birthday as June 5, 1980.
This story predates this revelation, and has Draco's birthday mistakenly on
December 16, 1979.
又及:作者的另一宣告:JK Rowling刚刚透露,Draco的生日是1980年6月5日。在本故事中,这个日期被提前到了1979年12月16日(敢问苍天这是为什么啊?本人一向支持年纪小的弱受的说!)
The Veela Enigma媚娃之魅
Chapter 1: The Night Before第一章:前夜
Lucius Malfoy sighed and fingered his drink,
staring into the fireplace. It was the night before Draco was returning
to Hogwarts, and he was sitting in his favorite armchair in the study at Malfoy
Manor, doing some very serious thinking. He had been doing serious
thinking ever since his arrest in June and his subsequent imprisonment in
Azkaban for most of the summer. Luckily for him, being a Malfoy had some
advantages, like not staying in prison due to a multitude of personal and
political connections. Unfortunately, however, the Malfoy name was now
tarnished, having come to be associated with Death Eaters, Lord Voldemort, Dark
Magic and everything that is utterly evil to most good wizards.