Your Beta Code Is Here! Start Enjoying PC Games Now.
发件人:GameFly <> 查看 添加 拒收 自动归档
时 间:2011年11月17日(星期四) 中午12:48 (UTC-06:00 休斯顿、芝加哥、墨西哥时间)
Dear Gamer,
Thank you for requesting access to the new GameFly digital client - you've been selected to receive a beta code and be one of the first to test drive it!
Once you've downloaded the client and installed it on your PC or Mac, please use the following beta code to access the client:
Here's another beta code for a second computer or for a friend:
Please keep in mind that this is a beta - we'll be continuing to test, tweak, and make improvements until the client launches widely later this year. Please help us out by submitting suggestions via the "Feedback" button at the bottom of the client.