Politics 101
SIR – By quoting such phrases as “anti-immigrant demagogues” and describing the “rant” of rightwingers, you mischaracterise the debate on immigration that America is currently having (“The wrong side of history”, July 15th). This debate has, in fact, been remarkably civil and a textbook example of how the United States' system of checks and balances is supposed to work. After all, this is not the
country in which an atavistic, chauvinistic, xenophobic nutter made the run-off in a presidential election.No leading advocate either for or against illegal immigrants has had to leave the country. And no one has been shot because of their stance on immigration policy.
Opinion on the immigration “problem” is scattered and quite diverse and the Madisonian system is designed to slow legislative action in the absence of a national consensus. This is why Republicans in the House of Representatives have decided to take their version of immigration reform on the road in an attempt to sell it to voters or listen to the alternatives. That is the way it is supposed to function.
Richard Hofferbert
Distinguished professor emeritus
State University of New York, Binghamton
Binghamton, New York