秋花悠然吧 关注:9贴子:427



IP属地:江苏1楼2012-02-04 18:06回复

    IP属地:江苏2楼2012-02-04 18:10

      IP属地:江苏3楼2012-02-04 18:12
        —Miss Elizabeth.
        I have struggled in vain
        and can bear it no longer.
        These past months have been a torment.
        I came to Rosings only to see you.
        I have fought against
        judgement, my family's expectation,
        the inferiority of your birth,
        my rank.(你这剖白任谁听了也会不高兴的呀,何况丽兹自尊心也很强......)
        I will put them aside
        and ask you to end my agony.
        - I don't understand.(惊吓到了,估计没料到达西会喜欢自己还求婚......)

        IP属地:江苏4楼2012-02-04 18:18
          - I love you.(这句话就这么蹦出来了,真的是情根深种了。可怜的达西先生早早的陷入爱河)
          Most ardently.
          Please do me the honour
          of accepting my hand.
          -Sir, I appreciate the struggle
          you have been through,
          and I am very sorry
          to have caused you pain.
          It was unconsciously done.
          - Is this your reply?(心碎了啊)
          - Yes, sir.(坚决的,拒绝了)
          - Are you laughing at me?
          - No.

          IP属地:江苏5楼2012-02-04 18:23
            -Are you rejecting me?
            -I'm sure the feelings which hindered
            your regard will help you overcome it.(毫不留情啊,不过场面话还是要说的)
            -Might I ask why with so little civility
            I am thus repulsed?(伤心地问被拒原因)
            -I might enquire why you told me you
            liked me against your better judgement?(丽兹自尊心受伤,达西,你真的太不会说话了!)
            If I was uncivil,
            then that is some excuse.(透漏出原因)

            IP属地:江苏6楼2012-02-04 18:27
              - But you know I have other reasons.
              - What reasons?
              -Do you think anything might tempt me
              to accept the man who has ruined
              the happiness of a most beloved sister?
              Do you deny that you separated
              a young couple who loved each other,
              exposing your friend
              to censure for caprice
              and my sister to derision
              for disappointed hopes,
              involving them both in acute misery?(逼问,咄咄逼人,姐姐和宾利的幸福,姐妹情深啊)
              - I do not deny it.(达西,哎,承认了,该怎么说你好呢)
              - How could you do it?(意料之中的意外,肯定心痛吧)

              IP属地:江苏7楼2012-02-04 18:30
                -I believed your sister
                indifferent to him.(认为吉英对宾利冷淡,呜,男人天生迟钝啊啊啊啊啊)
                I realised his attachment
                was deeper than hers.
                -She's shy!(还是自家姐妹懂!)
                -Bingley was persuaded
                she didn't feel strongly.(宾利也是大傻冒)
                - You suggested it.(生气)
                - For his own good.(我出发点是好的,宾利是我好朋友)

                IP属地:江苏8楼2012-02-04 18:34
                  -My sister hardly shows
                  her true feelings to me.
                  I suppose his fortune
                  had some bearing?(说出猜测)
                  -I wouldn't do your sister the dishonour.
                  It was suggested...(透露了,透露了...)
                  - What was?(肯定不是好建议,不然能成这样么)
                  -It was clear an advantageous marriage...(果然!)
                  - Did my sister give that impression?(生气)
                  - No!(赶紧否认)

                  IP属地:江苏9楼2012-02-04 18:39
                    - No. There was, however, your family...(难以说出,不想打击你)
                    - Our want of connection?(愤怒)
                    - No, it was more than that.(无语了,你太诚实了!)
                    - How, sir?(一定又气又羞,更觉得眼前人讨厌了)
                    -The lack of propriety shown by your
                    mother, younger sisters and your father.(继续打击,你这还是求婚么?批斗大会啊)
                    -Forgive me. You and your sister
                    I must exclude from this.(现在才说点好话......晚喽!丽兹眼泪都要出来了!这婚求的)

                    IP属地:江苏10楼2012-02-04 18:44
                      -And what about Mr Wickham?(你这样羞辱我,我也来将一军)
                      -Mr Wickham?(生气,哈哈,某人要吃醋了)
                      -What excuse can you
                      give for your behaviour?
                      - You take an eager interest.
                      - He told me of his misfortunes.(额,气势有点弱弱)
                      - Oh, they have been great.(严重吃醋……哈哈)

                      IP属地:江苏11楼2012-02-04 18:47
                        - You ruin his chances
                        yet treat him with sarcasm.
                        -So this is your opinion of me?(哼哼,让你那么欺负丽兹,对你印象很不好喔)
                        Thank you for explaining so fully.
                        Perhaps these offences might have been
                        overlooked had not your pride been hurt by my honesty...
                        -My pride? (怒气,也有被揭露的羞愤。达西你真是不给面子)
                        -...in admitting scruples about our relationship.
                        Could you expect me to rejoice in
                        the inferiority of your circumstances? (。。。)

                        IP属地:江苏12楼2012-02-04 18:59
                          -And those are the words of a gentleman. (终极发飙,哈哈哈)
                          From the first moment I met you,
                          your arrogance and conceit,
                          your selfish disdain for the feelings
                          of others made me realize that you
                          were the last man in the world I could
                          ever be prevailed upon to marry. (说的好尖锐哦,某人的心被你戳出几个窟窿了,霸气!)
                          -Forgive me, madam, for
                          taking up so much of your time.(说前默默凝视,额,离开,失落落啊...)

                          IP属地:江苏13楼2012-02-04 19:01

                            IP属地:江苏14楼2012-02-04 19:02

                              IP属地:江苏15楼2012-02-05 13:00