Hatake Kakashi sighed as he stepped out of the shower and grabbed the blue, cotton towel hanging on the towel bar beside the stall. He quickly dried off his body, running the large towel vigorously over his wet, shaggy hair. Satisfied, Kakashi threw the towel into the open dirty clothes hamper as he walked out of the bathroom and into his bedroom, completely nude.
Stretching, the silver-haired man moved to stand in front of his closet. He eyed the pressed garments hanging neatly in the large area, smiling as a certain outfit caught his eye. If he was going to go out tonight, he might as well look good. Removing the hanger from its place, Kakashi laid out his chosen attire on the bed and dressed himself. He slid into soft, black, linen pants, and slipped into a snug, form-fitting shirt. The long sleeved garment was a dark, navy blue, which contrasted nicely with Kakashi’s pale skin.
He put on socks and finished off his outfit by donning his black boots before checking his reflection in the mirror. Running a brush quickly through his unruly hair, Kakashi paused a moment when he caught sight of his left eye in his reflection. Due to an accident in his childhood, he had lost the pigment in his left eye, which now took on a dark red hue. There was a scar vertically engraved within the skin that covered the left eye and over a good portion of his cheek, but he had learned how to live with the blemish. Unfortunately, many people around him had not, and this little fact was why he was so used to being alone.
Sighing, Kakashi grabbed the car keys that were sitting on top of his dresser. For once, he was in the mood to go out, and he was determined to have a good time; even if it meant he would do it alone. Making his way to the front door, Kakashi closed up his apartment, making sure all of the lights were turned off except for the one outside before he locked his front door.
The night was rather chilly, and Kakashi shivered as he slid into his black, two-door sports car and took off towards the club. It was Friday, and the streets were rather busy. Cursing, Kakashi turned up the radio and tapped the steering wheel with his fingertips as he drove down the crowded streets. It took about twenty minutes to reach his destination, and anticipation burned in his stomach as he locked up his car and walked towards the entrance.
He had heard many different things about club Abyss, both good and bad. What had grabbed his attention were the stories about people being able to find companionship for the evening, and not with just any easy mark either. The club was high class, therefore everyone who socialized there were of high…caliber. Painting on his best nonchalant look, Kakashi paid the three-hundred dollar cover charge and stepped inside.
Music greeted him as he walked into the dark atmosphere, and the burning in his stomach broke through into his system. Feeling adventurous, Kakashi stepped out onto the dance floor and began to move his body along with the sinuous music.
The silver-haired man wondered what kind of people he would meet tonight.
Hatake Kakashi sighed as he stepped out of the shower and grabbed the blue, cotton towel hanging on the towel bar beside the stall. He quickly dried off his body, running the large towel vigorously over his wet, shaggy hair. Satisfied, Kakashi threw the towel into the open dirty clothes hamper as he walked out of the bathroom and into his bedroom, completely nude.
Stretching, the silver-haired man moved to stand in front of his closet. He eyed the pressed garments hanging neatly in the large area, smiling as a certain outfit caught his eye. If he was going to go out tonight, he might as well look good. Removing the hanger from its place, Kakashi laid out his chosen attire on the bed and dressed himself. He slid into soft, black, linen pants, and slipped into a snug, form-fitting shirt. The long sleeved garment was a dark, navy blue, which contrasted nicely with Kakashi’s pale skin.
He put on socks and finished off his outfit by donning his black boots before checking his reflection in the mirror. Running a brush quickly through his unruly hair, Kakashi paused a moment when he caught sight of his left eye in his reflection. Due to an accident in his childhood, he had lost the pigment in his left eye, which now took on a dark red hue. There was a scar vertically engraved within the skin that covered the left eye and over a good portion of his cheek, but he had learned how to live with the blemish. Unfortunately, many people around him had not, and this little fact was why he was so used to being alone.
Sighing, Kakashi grabbed the car keys that were sitting on top of his dresser. For once, he was in the mood to go out, and he was determined to have a good time; even if it meant he would do it alone. Making his way to the front door, Kakashi closed up his apartment, making sure all of the lights were turned off except for the one outside before he locked his front door.
The night was rather chilly, and Kakashi shivered as he slid into his black, two-door sports car and took off towards the club. It was Friday, and the streets were rather busy. Cursing, Kakashi turned up the radio and tapped the steering wheel with his fingertips as he drove down the crowded streets. It took about twenty minutes to reach his destination, and anticipation burned in his stomach as he locked up his car and walked towards the entrance.
He had heard many different things about club Abyss, both good and bad. What had grabbed his attention were the stories about people being able to find companionship for the evening, and not with just any easy mark either. The club was high class, therefore everyone who socialized there were of high…caliber. Painting on his best nonchalant look, Kakashi paid the three-hundred dollar cover charge and stepped inside.
Music greeted him as he walked into the dark atmosphere, and the burning in his stomach broke through into his system. Feeling adventurous, Kakashi stepped out onto the dance floor and began to move his body along with the sinuous music.
The silver-haired man wondered what kind of people he would meet tonight.