洛英吧 关注:1,629贴子:114,687




IP属地:上海1楼2012-02-25 00:36回复

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            IP属地:上海7楼2012-02-25 00:41
              Part 1: Not Even If You Kill Us All
              It is revealed that Ingkells (from Extra Episode 5) is suspected to be leading a rebellion. The rookie, now a captain from the last episode, is ordered to investigate Ortel Castle in order to clear suspicion from them as they had previously aided Ingkells.
              However at the main gates of Ortel, a Golem activates and attacks. After defeating the guardian and returning to Royal Army Base, Keaghan orders the captain to lead an assault force into Ortel Castle.
              Meanwhile, Ingkells reveals that they are not actually a rebellion, rather the Pontiff's Court are actually spreading lies, and that the soldiers of Ortel Castle are labeled as heretics. Ingkells chooses to fight back as it is "Morrighan's Command."
              After finding and defeating one of Ingkells' officers, Cloyan, Keaghan declares that all of the Ortel's Royal Army troops have been turned into Fomorians after drinking a potion made from Bloody Shade. The betrayal had been done, and Ingkells must be defeated under all circumstances. Before the captain can leave to defeat Silberin, Ingkell's right-hand man, Marrec and Ceara show up and gives the captain a broken key fragment as a gift from Aodhan.
              After defeating Silberin, the captain receives a key fragment which happens to match the fragment from earlier. Aodhan reveals that Ingkells came to him the night before the rebellion and asked Aodhan to kill him. However, he could not kill his friend and knows that the captain has already decided to kill Ingkells.
              After using the completed key, the captain enters the Central Garden of Ortel Castle and defeats the traitor. After his demise, Ingkells regains his senses and recognizes the captain as the rookie who helped him with the Trolls. He explains that they must understand why they had to 'rebel' and that "even if you kill us all, the goddess won't come." He then gives them a fragment from the Catacombs beneath Ainle, and begs the captain to search for the truth before dying.
              The captain returns to base. Meanwhile, Keaghan informs Aodhan that Ingkells is defeated, however both wonder if they had truly done the right thing.

              IP属地:上海8楼2012-02-25 00:42
                Part 2: The Unveiling Truth: Button by Button
                Back at the base, the captain informs Keaghan of what Ingkells' last words were and gives him the fragment. Keaghan and Riordan come to disagreements whether they should investigate the truth. Keaghan and the captain head to the Cathedral where Keaghan asks Seanna about the prophecy; everything about it. Laurys intervenes and bluntly states that the blood of the Fomors will merely open the gates to Erinn, and the Goddess will descend once all the Fomorians are dead. Laurys suggests that Keaghan should drop his investigation as it hinders the fulfillment of the prophecy. Keaghan reveals the fragment which happens to have an insignia of the Pontiff's Court, and when Laurys asks to take it, Keaghan refuses.
                Feeling closer to the answer, Keaghan then sends the captain to Jarlath to analyze it, however, he merely explains that it is from Ainle and refuses to analyze it as he does not want to be involved. After reporting to Keaghan, he concludes that Ingkells went to the Catacombs and found something that made him rebel. He then decides to head to Ainle, despite the restriction. First, he returns to Jarlath and asks him about the Catacombs, however he tells him to ask someone else and after Ainle was destroyed, the path to the Catacombs was lost.
                In Colhen, Keaghan talks to Reilly about going to the Catacombs, however he only explains that there is darkness within and refuses to help because it will traumatize him. Heading towards the Magician's Laboratory, Keaghan confronts Brynn who explains of the shadows beneath the Catacombs, however they only reveal themselves within the light. Keaghan solves this meaning and explains that the path to the Catacombs only opens itself in the day.
                Back at one of the graveyards in Ainle, they find a lower ascent leading to the Catacombs. After defeating Strategy Chief Roperem, the Gatekeeper, they enter the Catacombs and find a sealed creature: Glas Ghaibhleann, an extremely powerful Deity. Prior to defeating Glas, the group recognizes the Pontiff's Court's pentacle in the Catacombs and theorizes that they may be the ones behind the destruction of Ainle. Keaghan, Gwynn, and the captain decides to return to Rocheste and demand the truth from the Pontiff's Court.
                As the trio heads out, Riordan and his fellow Royal Army Soldiers confront Keaghan as Gwynn and the Captain lay low behind debris. Riordan informs Keaghan that he has been removed from Royal Army Command and is branded as a heretic. Riordan, acting as the new High Commander, demands Keaghan's execution. However, Gwynn rushes out and pushes Keaghan aside, taking the hit from the arrows and dies in his stead. Riordan hesitates for a while but quickly orders his troops to fire again. This is interrupted by a puff of black smoke which lands besides the Keaghan and the ex-captain, revealing to be Nyle. The Dark Knight casts a spell that teleports him and his two allies away. Riordan then demands his troops to find them. Since then, it is clear that Keaghan and the Mercenary Rookie are removed from the Royal Army, stripped of their ranks and are wanted fugitives.
                As the Rookie vanishes, a few flashbacks of Gwynn's words are present. Her presence can be felt back at the Mercenary Outpost of Colhen and the Royal Army Base of Rocheste, however she is truly not there.
                Brynn reveals that the Pontiff's Court was responsible for summoning Glas Ghaibhleann due to a failed attempt to summon Morrighan, but wonders why they would attempt to summon someone who is prohesied to come.

                IP属地:上海9楼2012-02-25 00:42
                  以下是我的坑爹翻译,不喜勿喷(没人帮我- -!)
                  EP8PA1:即使把我们全部杀光 研究结果表明尹克斯(来自EP5)被怀疑领导了一场叛乱。新兵,现在卢德勒队长被命令调查奥鲁特城以明确是否有人在暗地里帮助尹克斯 然而在奥鲁特城正门,一个傀儡被召唤,并对我们进行攻击。打败的守卫正门的守卫之后返回王国骑士团办公室,卡丹命令卢德勒带领突击力量进入奥鲁特城堡。 与此同时,尹克斯表明他们其实不是一场叛乱,而神庭实际上是传播谎言,奥鲁特城的士兵都被冠以异教徒。于是,尹克斯选择反击,因为它是“茉莉安的命令。” 于是我们在奥鲁特城找到并击败一个官员“克劳安·尹克斯”,卡丹宣称,所有的奥鲁特城的皇家军队已经喝下了魔族药剂变成了魔族。尹克斯背叛的事实已经成立,尹克斯无论如何都必须被打败。在卢德勒准备离开时,我们打败了“西柏林”——尹克斯的得力助手。马利和凯雅拉这是交出了艾旦队长的一个破碎的钥匙碎片。 在打败西柏林之后,卢德勒收到一个破碎的钥匙碎片和其他一些早期的碎片。艾旦表示“尹克斯在叛乱的前一天告诉了他一切,并且让艾旦杀了他。”然而,艾旦不可能杀了他的朋友,即使他已经知道卢德勒已经决定要杀尹克斯。 使用完成了的钥匙之后,卢德勒进入了奥鲁特城的中央庭院,击败了叛军。尹克斯临死前,恢复了直觉和记忆,他想起了帮他消灭巨魔的新兵,尹克斯解释说,他们必须明白为什么他们不得不“反叛”并且说“即使你杀了我们所有的人,女神不会来。“然后,他给了他们一个阿尤伦墓穴的碎片,并提醒卢德勒追求真理就会死亡。 我们和卢德勒回到了王国骑士团办公室。然后,卡丹通知艾旦,尹克斯已经被他们杀死。但是,不管是谁,似乎都不知道真正应该做什么正确的事情。

                  IP属地:上海10楼2012-02-25 00:43
                    EP8PA2:揭示真相 回到王国骑士团办公室,卢德勒告诉卡丹尹克斯最后的遗言以及尹克斯给的碎片。于是卡丹和卢德勒开始争论是否应该调查真相。于是卡丹走向教堂(就是主城女神像)并询问Laurys(那个死胖子,法皇?)关于预言的事,以及一切事实。Laurys试图干预并直言不讳地指出,弗魔族的血将会打开通往爱琳的大门,吟游诗人和女神将会降临,魔族将会灭绝。Laurys表示卡丹应该停止调查,否则将会影响预言的实现,卡丹却发现自己的碎片上恰巧有神庭的徽章。Laurys试图让卡丹采纳他的建议,但是被卡丹拒绝了。 感觉离答案越来越近了,于是卡丹命令卢德勒到魔法研究会找扎勒斯来分析。然而,扎勒斯仅仅是解释说,碎片来自阿尤伦,并拒绝继续分析它,因为他不想参与这一切。向卡丹报告后,他认为一定是尹克斯在阿尤伦墓穴发现了什么东西才使他决定反抗,于是他决定打破限制前往阿尤伦。首先,他回到扎勒斯那里,问他关于阿尤伦墓穴的事,但是他却让卡丹另去问别人,因为阿尤伦被破坏之后(参见EP3阿尤伦剧情),通往墓穴的路也被毁了,再也找不到了于是卡丹来到库汉,他去找里尔关于前往阿尤伦墓穴的方法,但是里尔只告诉他,那里“有内在的黑暗”,并拒绝帮助卡丹,因为它会伤害卡丹。于是卡丹到了魔法研究所,面对布林,布林解释说,黑暗笼罩着墓穴,但是他们却以光的形式存在。卡丹明白了通往阿尤伦墓穴的路的意义和解释。 他们在阿尤伦发现了一个入口较低的地下墓穴。打败了墓穴看守人——路裴基之后,他们进入墓穴,找到了一个被封印的怪物——格拉斯贝恩,一个非常强大的神灵。他们发现击败格拉斯贝恩之前,他们所承认的神庭关于通往陵寝的理论可能就是神庭在背后破坏阿尤伦。卡丹、德云决定回到王国骑士团办公室,向神庭质问真相。离开墓穴后,他们遇见了带领着皇家骑士的卢德勒,他通知卡丹,卡丹已经不再王国骑士团司令官,现在的司令官是他——卢德勒。而卡丹、新兵、德云已经确认是异教徒。异教徒应该被射死。于是卢德勒士兵向卡丹射箭。这时,德云跑了出来,替卡丹挡住了箭。卢德勒犹豫了一下,继续命令射击。这时,天空中出现了黑云,地上挂起尘土,内贝雷斯出现了。内贝雷斯使用黑暗骑士的传送技能,救走了我们和卡丹。至此,很明显,我们和卡丹已经被开除王国骑士团,成为了通缉犯。虽然德云已经消失,但是新兵依然可以在佣兵事务所和王国骑士团办公室见到若她(灰色头像),不过她确实是不存在了。布林告诉玩家,神庭之所以编织出虚假的事实,是因为他们曾经试图召唤茉莉安,但是却失败了,召唤出来了格拉斯贝恩。但不知道为什么他们会去试图召唤。

                    IP属地:上海11楼2012-02-25 00:43

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                            IP属地:上海16楼2012-02-25 00:48
                              - 装备战镰才可以使用该技能.
                              - 近距离下劈攻击前方的敌人.
                              - 技能9以后追加一次攻击.
                              鼠标: [左键] - [右键]
                              键盘: [S] - [D]
                              鼠标: [左键] - [右键] - [右键]
                              键盘: [S] - [D] - [D]

                              - 提高重击技能「竹刀」的攻击力
                              - 将对方向上勾起的攻击方式
                              - 技能9级后,追加一次攻击
                              键盘:[S]- [D]
                              键盘:[S]- [D]- [D]

                              - 提高重击技能「熊顶」的攻击力
                              - 快速攻击对手的2连击招式
                              - 技能9级后,追加一次攻击
                              鼠标:[左击] X 2次 - [右击]
                              键盘:[S]×2次 - [D]
                              鼠标:[左击] X 2次 - [右击] - [左击]
                              键盘:[S]×2次 - [D] - [S]

                              - 能用镰刀把周围的敌人打飞.
                              鼠标: 回避[空格键] - 回避[空格键] - [右键]
                              键盘: 回避[A] - 回避[A] - [D]

                              IP属地:上海17楼2012-02-25 00:49