Don't fret over it, you'll do fine. Good luck for tomorrow. Could we keep this for a day or so? Perhaps Lena might know where the problem lies, as Hedgehog still can't access the reply function on his computer.
背出生年份那个真无语啊! As for 德语, 你去你城里的 Goethe Institute (assuming you don't want to spend your summer in Berlin or Frankfurt) 查看,可能有 intensive course, 学个基础也对以后记音乐词语曲名有帮助啊 (I'm the last person to promote this language but it's also useful if you plan to visit Germany/ Austria & Switzerland often)
Thx Reena for the info! 我还记得你去年夏天推荐的那个德国的机构呢!其实法语和德语都是我希望学的(还有广东话),但是人要实际一点,语言这个东西不用就忘,何况我这种懒人,如果学的话还要想法keep住,如果这次history考过的话学乐理的压力就不大了(现在学和声神马的算是上道了,所以不觉得太难),就可以考虑学点别的了...... 先撤了,ctpt不需要上网查资料听音乐啥的,今晚和明天上午还是找个咖啡店图书馆神马的做题比较好,在家的话肯定不能集中精神了~
同明天下午考0.0 good luck~~~~ Jess姐姐只是要求高而已>_<我都不检查的....我只要pass就可以了....考4的时候还因为交卷太快导致把考官吓倒-.- 我也觉得practical exam很难 TAT 现在对六月末的grade 10考试毫无信心....我连曲子都还没背下来-.- 可能因为我有看以前的exam吧....所以只复习我觉得会考的....这次我只感觉到会很难很难很难很难但是完全猜不到会考哪些题....结果我可以很明确地说这次exam除了第二大题之外我一律不会-.-全部瞎编....OTL