120520 SMTown III in LA by Annie Part 2【禁止一切去LOGO及二改行为*转载请注明Magic-Shadow】 【It's not allowed to remove or change the logo and please indicate the credit if you need to repost.】 credit:magic-shadow
转载时请注明转自NeverEnd未完-沈昌珉个人站 并请自行上传 严禁去LOGO盗链以及二次修改行为 All are forbbidened to remove to where doesn't Support Changmin and where doesn't support TVXQ(member:Changmin&Yunho)
转载时请注明转自NeverEnd未完-沈昌珉个人站 并请自行上传 严禁去LOGO盗链以及二次修改行为 拍摄 By Autumn All are forbbidened to remove to where doesn't Support Changmin and where doesn't support TVXQ(member:Changmin&Yunho)