歌手: Rihanna
场景: Opening scene of episode. The girls have drinks at Spencer’s house.

2、歌曲:《I Feel Alive》
歌手: Jules Larson
场景:This song is heard when Aria and Ezra discuss their 'anniversary' and then kiss in the kitchen.

3、歌曲:《Hot Button》
歌手:Anya Marina
场景:Spencer watches as Toby dries his hair, then they kiss.

4、歌曲:《Song For The Suburbs》
歌手:Ben Rector
场景:Emily tells Toby she's been getting so drunk, she's been blacking out and how she doesn't want to disappoint the girls.

5、歌曲:《It Girl》
场景:Hanna & her mom shop for clothes and run into Spencer & her mom.

6、歌曲:《Body Knows Best》
歌手:Anya Marina
场景:Toby and Emily meet for coffee and catch up.

7、歌曲:《Hands of Time》
歌手: Rachel Diggs
场景:Closing scene of episode. The girls get a text from “A” after finding their car covered in photos.