问: Klaus在Tyler的体内. 接下来会发生什么?
我不认为他一定意味着他要利用这个优势, 但是有一个时刻--有一件T恤让他蒙混过关. 所以我们就停留在这个点上.
Michael Trevino已经表示Tyler很快就可以做回自己. Joseph Morgan的事已经结束了吗?
Joseph Morgan会立刻回来. 在Tyler做回自己的那一分钟, Joseph就会回到自己的身体. 他的身体会有一点点烧焦和衣服有一点磨损, 但是他是一个吸血鬼, 可以自己痊愈的.
关于Tyler,Caroline 和Klaus的三角恋, 我们要知道什么呢?
最重要的事情是Caroline深爱着Tyler. Caroline, 特别是在第一集之后, 将会继续厌恶Klaus尽管她对他产生奇怪的迷恋. Klaus是不会放弃Caroline的, 但是他一定会制造麻烦. 事实上, 在不断寻求替代手段去推动 Tyler和 Caroline的楔子中他得到了一些不正当的乐趣, 所以这是一个缓慢的过程. Klaus是一个长期的思想家.
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There was a jaw-dropping moment at the end of the Vampire DiariesSeason 3 finale — and we’re not talking about the last three seconds of the episode. Before that, Klaus (Joseph Morgan) revealed that he’d taken overTyler’s (Michael Trevino) body and stolen a kiss from his minion’s girl. Julie Plec told Wetpaint Entertainment at the CBS TCA All-Star Party that Klaus’s antics aren’t over yet when the show returns in Season 4, andCaroline (Candice Accola) isn’t going to be a happy vampire.
Wetpaint Entertainment: As far as Klaus is in Tyler's body. What happens next?
Julie Plec: What happens next is some awkward, ill‑timed, mischievous and otherwise naughty high jinks that begin and end quickly enough to still be fun, but definitely make Caroline very indignant.
So Klaus is definitely taking advantage of the fact that he is in Tyler's body?
I don't think he necessarily means to take advantage of that, but there is a moment in which — there is a shirt that comes off under false pretenses. So we'll just leave it at that.
Michael Trevino already said that Tyler comes back into his own body fairly soon. Are we done with Joseph Morgan?
No. Joseph Morgan will be right back. The minute Tyler's back in his own body, Joseph will be back in his. A little bit charred and worse for the wear, but he's a vampire, he can heal.
What should we know about the Tyler, Caroline, and Klaus triangle?
I think the important thing to know is that Caroline loves Tyler deeply. Caroline, especially after the first episode, will continue to loathe Klaus in spite of her strange fascination with him that sneaks in every now and then. Klaus is not giving up on Caroline, but he's by no means going to be a sick puppy dog. In fact, I think, he's going to get some perverse pleasure out of seeking alternate means to drive a wedge between Caroline and Tyler over the course of the season. So it's a slow play. He's a long-term thinker, Klaus.
Source: wetpaint.com