• Added Message of the Day 加入了关于 the day(日期?) 的消息
• Added a message when running without Steam to inform the users that
the game requires Steam to be running. 当游戏运行时没有steam时会通知用户需要steam(似乎就是离线激活失败了)
• Added support for radar user message breaking up into several
messages to allow for servers with large playercounts to not break user message stream when encountering too many entities.大概好像是防止消息的冲突。
• Updated the scoreboard so that if a game has a max of ten players
you will see a compact scoreboard.更新计分板。如果有10位玩家后将会显示比赛计分板。
• Update to HUD voice status - darkened chat background from 32%
opaque to 45% to increase readability of messages.更新hud声音状态。昏暗条件下的消息背景的透明度从32%调到45%。用以改善可读性(我只能这么理解了。。。。。)。
• Leaderboards input device filter now defaults to mouse and
Bug Fixes:
• Fixed a bug where a dash was displayed when there was no score in
the scoreboard.修复了没有分数在计分板上的时候破折消失的问题
• Fixed an issue with the HUD scaling not working with some elements.你不需要知道
• Enabled controller sampling regardless of input lock.你也不需要知道
• Fixed several vgui fonts being too large at larger resolutions.修复了几个vgui字体太较大的resolutions(决议)中会变得过大
• Ignore low violence registry settings for CS:GO since we have no
low violence regions.因为我们没有XXXX所以我们移除了XXXX。
• Fixed winning text not getting updated for arms race.修复了在军备赛中胜利的文本不会更新的问题
• Fixed win panel misalignments.修复了胜利的面板失调的问题
• Updated the scoreboard to fill from top to bottom for the order of
players joining.更新了计分板:计分板将依据玩家的加入顺序而自上而下填充
• Updated the scoreboard - moved the nav buttons up when you play
with 10 players. Added a more opaque background.更新计分板:当你与10个玩家玩时计分板的导航按钮将上移;加入了更透明的背景
Community Support:
• Added convars for better server customization:为了更好的服务器个性化加了一些命令
o mp_solid_teammates - Determines whether teammates are solid or not.队友是否可穿透
o mp_free_armor - Determines whether armor and helmet are given automatically.护甲是否自动供给(像娱乐模式防弹衣开始就有)
o mp_weapons_allow_zeus - Determines whether the Zeus is purchasable or not.电击枪是否可购买
o mp_halftime - Determines whether or not the match has a team-swapping halftime event.在半场是否交换队伍
• Omitted reference to ranking or matchmaking from button warning.无视- -