台服的台词: 世人何以征战不休,秋叶何以凋零飘落?天性使然,也许,可以找到更好的理由。我族因何而战?保卫家园护亲人,守护平衡创和谐。对我们而言。真正的问题是,什么才值得一战。 英文原版台词: To ask why we fight,is to ask why the leafs fall.It is in the natrue there is better question.Why do we fight?To protect home and family.To preserve balance and bring harmony. For my kind,the true question is...what is worth fighting for.
下面是一些有争议的问题:很多人会问这个熊猫他nia的是谁啊,凭什么把我大LM和大BL的将领打成翔了!90级屌丝战没法玩了!赶紧玩武僧吧! 其实不然,这里科普下:这个熊猫是陈.风暴烈酒,也就是war3中可以从中立酒馆招募的英雄,war3中的英雄是什么级别这里不用再质疑,想想一个希尔瓦娜斯级别的人物轻松挑落两个将领当然是没问题啦 至于为什么这只熊猫会是陈,这里有暴雪蓝贴,官方人员给出了解释: 有美服的玩家问: Dear Blizzard, In your opening cinematic you show a monk soloing two players. This is completely unfair and I am considering canceling my subscription. Therefore this needs to be addressed or you could lose millions of players. -Zexlos 官方人员的解答: That's Chen Stormstout. If he was fighting Varian and Garrosh in the opening cinematic, you might have a point. Maybe. :)