浅唱从容淡定吧 关注:14,037贴子:475,574

嗯 喜欢的英文歌



1楼2012-08-29 10:49回复
    It don't matter if you're black 无论你是黑人
    white or yellow, if you're brown or red 白种人还是黄种人 亦或是棕色人还是红种人   let's get down to that 都让我们一起来实现
    love is color-blind 爱无定界
    Sarah Connor《love is color blind》


    2楼2012-08-29 10:50
      Just gonna stand there and watch me burn 你是不是就打算站在那隔岸观火
      That's alright 不过没关系
      Because I like the way it hurts 因为我喜欢这心痛的感觉
      Just gonna stand there and hear me cry 你是不是就打算站在那听着我哭泣
      That's alright 不过没关系
      Because I love the way you lie 因为我爱你说谎的方式
      I love the way you lie 连你的谎言都爱
      Eminem《love the way you lie》


      4楼2012-08-29 10:55
        But she wears short skirts 但是她穿短裙
        I wear T-shirts 而我穿T恤
        She’s cheer captain 她是啦啦队队长
        And I’m on the bleachers 而我在看台上
        Dreaming about the day when you wake up 翘首盼望
        And find that what you’re looking for 你某一天会蓦然回首
        has been here the whole time 百般寻觅之人已在灯火阑珊处静侯
        Taylor Swift《You belong with me》


        5楼2012-08-29 10:56
          不喜欢英文歌 叽里呱啦 在说啥....

          6楼2012-08-29 11:04
            I THINK SO

            IP属地:天津7楼2012-08-29 11:38
              When all the birds are singing in the sky 到了鸟儿们一起飞到天空中歌唱的时候
              Now that spring is in the air 春天就弥漫在那空气中
              Pretty girls are everywhere 到处都会有可爱的女孩
              Think of me and I'll be there 想起我,我就会在那春天里
              westlife《seasons in the sun》


              8楼2012-08-29 12:10

                IP属地:天津11楼2012-08-29 12:18

                  13楼2012-08-29 12:45

                    14楼2012-08-29 12:48
                      If the hero never comes to you 如果,生命里的主角还没有出现
                      If you need someone you're feeling blue 如果,你感到忧伤而需要人陪
                      If you're away from love and you’re alone 如果,你因失去最爱而感到孤单
                      If you call your friends and nobody's home 如果,你打电话给朋友却没人接
                      You can run away but you can't hide 你可以选择逃避但不可以隐瞒
                      Through a storm and through a lonely night 在寂寞的暴风雨夜过后
                      Then I show you there's a destiny 我要让你知道生命的意义
                      westlife《cry on my shoulder》

                      15楼2012-08-29 12:53
                        -how I wish to come with you 多想和你一起
                        -how I wish we make it through 多想我们能继续牵手
                        Sarah Connor《Just one last dance》


                        16楼2012-08-29 12:57

                          17楼2012-08-29 13:01
                            I lie awake at night 晚上我躺在床上没有一点睡意
                            See things in black and white 世界对我来说只有黑与白
                            I've only got you inside my mind 你的形象无时无刻不在我脑中闪动
                            You know you have made me blind 我的眼里只有你
                            M2M《Pretty Boy》


                            18楼2012-08-29 13:06
                              - No matter what I do
                              - All I think about is you
                              - Even when I'm with my boo
                              - Boy, ya know I'm crazy over you
                              Kelly & Nelly《dilemma》


                              19楼2012-08-29 13:09