@提摩君【The Drunken Whaler】歌词
What will we do with a drunken whaler? x3
early in the morning
在清晨的那一刻Weigh heigh and up ship rises x3
转动绞盘并提高船锚early in the morning
在清晨的那一刻Stuff him in a sack and throw him over x3
把他塞进麻布袋之后再抛弃early in the morning
在清晨的那一刻Feed him to the hungry rats for dinner x3
把他喂给饥饿的老鼠做晚餐early in the morning
在清晨的那一刻Weigh heigh and up ship rises x3
转动绞盘并提高船锚early in the morning
在清晨的那一刻shoot him through the heart with a loaded pistol x3
early in the morning
在清晨的那一刻Slice his throat with a rusty cleaver x3
用生锈的菜刀切开他的喉咙early in the morning
Weigh heigh and up ship rises x3
转动绞盘并提高船锚early in the morning