仙音吧 关注:148贴子:859



Chandeen在1990年由Oliver Henkel和Harald Löwy建立, 第一个歌手是伊朗血统的Aline Akbari,于1991年加入,第二个歌手,大家熟悉的Antje Schulz在1992年加入,她们二位就是乐队最初两年的主唱。同一年Oliver Rösch建立了着名的天音厂牌Hyperium,并且有幸听到了Chandeen的音乐,他们拿到了一纸合约,开始录制Shaded By The Leaves,在此期前Aline Akbari离队,代替她的是Catrin Mallon。
1994年秋天Oliver Henkel和Harald Löwy搬到了丹麦的日德兰半岛,由此激发他们的创作灵感,仅仅6星期,Jutland就完成了,它的大气甚至感染了整个德国地下音乐圈,并且开创了一种全新的,富有影响力的风格,被喻为当时“近年来最好的音乐专辑”,其中的Ginger,Strawberry Passion等作品之华美动听是无可代替的。

1楼2012-11-22 16:55回复

    2楼2012-11-22 16:56

      3楼2012-11-22 16:56
        chandeen与cocteau twins的风格迥异,但是其的柔美还是不可不听的

        4楼2012-11-22 16:59

          5楼2012-11-22 17:00

            6楼2012-11-22 17:03

              艺人: Chandeen
              语种: 英语
              唱片公司: Kalinkaland
              发行时间: 2003年03月01日
              专辑类别: 个人专辑
              专辑风格: Electronica

              7楼2012-11-22 17:06
                专辑介绍: Chandeen's delicately dark way around music continues well on the lovely Echoes, as good an album to put on when in a mysterious and just gothic enough mood. Though what's great about the band is how it's not all sturm und drang, as the short opening song "Indian Summer" (which could almost be a stripped down Enya tune, in ways) demonstrates. By keeping everything so carefully and sweetly focused — the title track is a fine example: piano, vocals, and the barest hint of strings setting a truly ethereal and entrancing mood — the various hints of Arabic, classical Western and other musics never become overbearing or distract from the core songs. As a result, even though a song like "In the Forest" may have hints of Dead Can Dance or Cranes with its low, steady drumming, it doesn't suggest a pagan ceremony so much as hint at one. One of the ways that the band keeps things varied is their sense of multi-part dynamics within a song while not coming across as some sort of arch-prog bores. "A Dream Within a Dream" has just enough of a stop-start sense of shifting sections and melodies without dramatically calling attention to itself. Credit as well for the creative use of classic poets — Edgar Allen Poe, William Blake and, twice, Oscar Wilde — without sounding like an arch, hushed reading a la early Moody Blues. If anything Antje Schulz's singing gives the words a new life by transferring the spoken rhythms to musical ones, while still sounding perfectly appropriate for her band's work. Wilde's "Impressions — La Fruite de la Lune" gets the best treatment of all, with Schulz's singing and Harald Lowy‘s exquisite arrangements making for a truly mystic result.

                8楼2012-11-22 17:06
                  01 Indian Summer
                  02 Echoes
                  03 A Dream Within a Dream
                  04 In the Forest
                  05 Drawn by the Sea
                  06 Impression - La fruite de la lune
                  07 Call of the Banshees
                  08 A Dream
                  09 Red Blood Blue Soul
                  10 Tangled Sheen

                  9楼2012-11-22 17:24
                    10楼2012-11-22 17:26
                      11楼2012-11-22 17:28
                        A Dream Within a Dream

                        12楼2012-11-22 17:29
                          In the Forest

                          13楼2012-11-22 17:33
                            Drawn by the Sea

                            14楼2012-11-22 17:34
                              Impression - La fruite de la lune

                              15楼2012-11-22 17:46