At first glance, it's an elegant set of portraits of twins - but look more closely and the secret is revealed.第一眼看过去,你会以为这是一组拍的很赞的双胞胎照片,但再看仔细一点,你会发现照片中的秘密。
None of the individuals captured by photographer Francois Brunelle are related by blood, their faces just have strikingly similar characteristics.在摄影师弗兰克斯-布鲁内尔拍摄的这些照片中,每一张中的两个人都没有血缘关系,但是他们却有着惊人相似的面部特征。
None of the individuals captured by photographer Francois Brunelle are related by blood, their faces just have strikingly similar characteristics.在摄影师弗兰克斯-布鲁内尔拍摄的这些照片中,每一张中的两个人都没有血缘关系,但是他们却有着惊人相似的面部特征。