前来报到~ short stories are mostly viewed as trials or experiments before an author cracks on with the real thing. 人们现在大多认为短篇小说就是作家“动真格”前拿来练手或试水的。 感觉这一句被人家翻的好绝 fill in time:度过一段间隙时光
前来报到~ world wide web原来叫万维网 to call Aaron Swartz gifted would be to miss the point. As far as the internet was concerned, he was the gift. 你可以说艾伦·施瓦茨的才华是“上天的礼物”,但这并非重点。因为对于互联网而言,他本身就是“上天的礼物”。 每次遇到这种,我就感叹人家翻的好啊。 IT类的难度好大,还有颠来倒去的语句,摧毁我的逻辑感。。。
报到~ ...which aims to provide an entry for every book in existence as part of Internet Archive...句中 provide an entry for与in existence的感觉。 英翻中有时纠结于长句的语序,颠来倒去之后反而有点儿当局者迷旁观者清的感觉,折腾语句顺序的结果反而使译文失真了。 有时第一句的某个单词,可在第二句里来体现。有时多两个适当连接字就使句子很传神。