腓骨肌萎缩症吧 关注:159贴子:1,601
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国外网站介绍,Key Points of CMT 腓骨肌萎缩症要点


CMT is a condition that affects the nerves in your legs and arms, known as the peripheral nerves.

Our body’s system of nerves is similar to a network of electrical wires. Some of them, called sensory nerves,are designed to pass information back to the brain about what you can feel with your fingers, toes, legs and arms,etc.The others are command pathways, telling your muscles to do something, like lift your left foot – and are called motor nerves.Because CMT affects both types of peripheral nerve, you may experience motor problems as the command pathways fail to respond properly, causing weakness and wasting in your muscles and numbness/sensory problems, arising from the problems with the sensory nerves. In brief,this is CMT. CMT:
1,is not life threatening
2,affects people very differently, even within the same family
3,slowly gets worse over time (is progressive), causing gradual deterioration of both the motor nerves and the sensory nerves
4,this deterioration causes the atrophying of the muscles in the foot, lower leg, hand and forearm
5,can cause foot drop walking gait, foot bone abnormalities (including high arches and hammer toes), problems with hand function and dexterity, balance problems, occasional cramping in the legs and arms and loss of some normal reflexes
6,may cause long term pain and chronic tiredness
7,is usually passed on from parent to child, with a 50% chance of the child inheriting the condition
8,is thought to affect approximately 23,000 people in the UK
9,Affects all ethnic groups equally throughout the world
10,Is the focus of major research, all over the world

1楼2013-02-05 19:23回复
    我们身体的神经系统类似于电线的网络。其中有些人的感觉神经,通过信息反馈到大脑,你可以用你的手指,脚趾,小腿和手臂,等命令指挥的途径,告诉你的肌肉做一些事情,比如抬起你的左脚–被称为运动神经。因此, CMT影响这两种类型的外周神经,你可能会遇到问题,感觉神经作为命令途径不能得到正常响应,从而导致无力和肌肉麻木、是运动神经与感觉神经的这两个问题。总之,这是CMT。 CMT:

    2楼2016-06-07 12:52