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如果你不想洗你的牛仔裤,但是闻起来又有些味道,你也可以把它们放进冰箱里过夜。这样也会杀死那些气味。(his is one way how to wash your Nudie Jeans.
It's my thin fin organic cotton. it is the first time this jeans become under water since 8Month.
Wearing a Nudi jeans is not just wearing jeans. it is a feeling with love and much good momories.
becaus of that u should take care of your jeans that it will have along and good life:
U can use hot water if u want them to shrink a bit but remember that cotton always will get a bit furher.
i dont use any soap or something like this because it is just oure cotton and i dont want to make my jeans soft. that will make them die rly fast.
if u dont want to wash your jeans because is smells like shit, you also can put them into the freezer overnight. that will also kill the bacterias wich smells.
sorry for my bad english and much fun by washing your own nudie jeans

来自贴吧神器1楼2013-02-10 01:32回复