樱满真名吧 关注:3,761贴子:82,054
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【最能代表真名的歌】 来吧 甜蜜的死亡


I know I know I've let you down
I've been a fool to myself

I thought that I could Live for no one else
But now through All the hurt and pain

It's time for me to respect
The ones you love Mean more than anything

So with sadness in my heart I feel the best thing I could do
Is end it all And leave forever
What's done is done It feels so sad
What once was happy Now is sad
I'll never love again My world is ending

I wish that I could turn back time
Cos now the guilt Is all mine
Can't live without The trust from Those you love

I know we can't Forget the past
You can't forget Love and pride
Because of that It's all killing me inside
It all returns to nothing

It all comes tumbling down Tumbling down tumbling down
It all returns to nothing
I just keep letting me down Letting me down letting me down
In my heart of hearts I know that I could Never love again
I've lost everything Everything
Everything that matters to me
Matters in this world

IP属地:浙江通过百度相册上传1楼2013-03-28 15:43回复

    2楼2013-03-28 20:23

      IP属地:江苏4楼2013-03-29 22:54

        IP属地:四川来自手机贴吧5楼2013-04-03 00:46

          IP属地:广东来自Android客户端6楼2013-04-03 03:40
            To the depth of despair, I have been sent.

            No one was saved until they are grieved, perished and dead.
            All on my hand, because of me!

            those I have failed feared my betrayal.
            The final nail, hammered by me.

            I didn't mean what is done!

            If I could turn back the time now.
            I sacrifice my own life for him.
            Why not me?!

            IP属地:浙江通过百度相册上传7楼2013-04-24 15:15
              future in my hand
              Standing where i should be 站在我应该待的地方
              Believing as i'm told to believe 选择相信因为我被告知要相
              信Being who i should be 做设定好的自己
              Doing what i should do 做我该做的事
              Did you hear what i said? 你是否在意我说过的话?
              Did you get what i meant? 你是否能理解我的本意?
              What you saw is an illusion 你看到的只是幻象
              You're living in delusion 你生活在自己的错觉中
              Going on and on i have the future in my hands 不断继续尝试,我的未来在我手中
              lose from days i never could get over 从我无法克服的过去中解脱
              Going on and on until i'm finally myself 继续尝试直到我找回自己
              Getting out of this dishonest world i never wanted 从这个我厌恶的虚情假意的世界逃离
              Now is the time 就是现在
              Now is the time 就是现在
              Ask me if you're anxious问我是否感到担忧
              I'll give you all the answers 我将给你所有的解答
              Truth or dare - it's your choice 真实或是冒险——那是你的选择
              Your truth is what you wish for 你所谓的真实是你希望看到的东西
              Who am i to tell you that the future's in your hands? 那个告诉你未来在自己手中的我又是谁
              Set me free from lies and cold deceptions, i'm so scared 将我从谎言和冰冷的欺骗中解放出来吧,我是如此地害怕
              Going on and on across this land, across the time 继续尝试,穿过这片土地,穿过时间
              Going on to see, to feel, to breathe 继续去看,去感受,去呼吸
              I've always wanted 那是我一直想要的
              Sleepless nights i'm spending 在一个个失眠的夜晚
              Counting all the words that broke my heart 我细数着那些让我心碎的话语
              I'm leaving all my past here 我将过去都丢弃在这里
              Then i'll see the world for sure 然后一定能看到期盼的世界
              Going on and on i have the future in my hands 继续尝试下去,我的未来在我自己手中
              Getting lose from days i never could get over 从我无法克服的那些过去中解脱出来
              Going on and on until i'm finally myself 继续尝试,直到我找回自己
              Getting out of this dishonest world i never wanted 从这个我厌恶的虚情假意的世界逃离
              Now is the time 就是现在
              Now is the time 就是现在
              Chase after time 与时间赛跑
              Chase after time 与时间赛跑

              IP属地:江苏8楼2014-07-17 14:06
                future in my hand
                Standing where i should be 站在我应该待的地方
                Believing as i'm told to believe 选择相信因为我被告知要相信
                Being who i should be 做设定好的自己
                Doing what i should do 做我该做的事
                Did you hear what i said? 你是否在意我说过的话?
                Did you get what i meant? 你是否能理解我的本意?
                What you saw is an illusion 你看到的只是幻象
                You're living in delusion 你生活在自己的错觉中
                Going on and on i have the future in my hands 不断继续尝试,我的未来在我手中
                lose from days i never could get over 从我无法克服的过去中解脱
                Going on and on until i'm finally myself 继续尝试直到我找回自己
                Getting out of this dishonest world i never wanted 从这个我厌恶的虚情假意的世界逃离
                Now is the time 就是现在
                Now is the time 就是现在
                Ask me if you're anxious问我是否感到担忧
                I'll give you all the answers 我将给你所有的解答
                Truth or dare - it's your choice 真实或是冒险——那是你的选择
                Your truth is what you wish for 你所谓的真实是你希望看到的东西
                Who am i to tell you that the future's in your hands? 那个告诉你未来在自己手中的我又是谁
                Set me free from lies and cold deceptions, i'm so scared 将我从谎言和冰冷的欺骗中解放出来吧,我是如此地害怕
                Going on and on across this land, across the time 继续尝试,穿过这片土地,穿过时间
                Going on to see, to feel, to breathe 继续去看,去感受,去呼吸
                I've always wanted 那是我一直想要的
                Sleepless nights i'm spending 在一个个失眠的夜晚
                Counting all the words that broke my heart 我细数着那些让我心碎的话语
                I'm leaving all my past here 我将过去都丢弃在这里
                Then i'll see the world for sure 然后一定能看到期盼的世界
                Going on and on i have the future in my hands 继续尝试下去,我的未来在我自己手中
                Getting lose from days i never could get over 从我无法克服的那些过去中解脱出来
                Going on and on until i'm finally myself 继续尝试,直到我找回自己
                Getting out of this dishonest world i never wanted 从这个我厌恶的虚情假意的世界逃离
                Now is the time 就是现在
                Now is the time 就是现在
                Chase after time 与时间赛跑
                Chase after time 与时间赛跑

                IP属地:江苏9楼2014-07-17 14:08