For thousands of years,sailors have looked to the stars to understand where they are.As oceans move beneath them,they take comfort in the fixed mark of the North Star.While here, below,nothing ever stops moving.Mass attracts mass, Bodies moving toward each other in space,will speed up as they get closer.The gracitational pull, between two bodies becomes stronger,making convergence inevitable.What we're heading toward,or what the outcome of the convergence will be,is unknowable.Man continues to look to the stars for certainty.But the only real certainty is that every day we're alive,our destiny is getting closer and closer. 数千年来,水手们仰望星空 来判断身处何方。脚下沧海桑田,物转星移之间,唯有北极星恒古不变。但现在,世事万物瞬息万变。质量相互吸引,随着彼此间距离缩短,接近的速度越来越快。两物体间引力,越来越强了,交集不可避免。前方等待我们的是什么,这种交集会带来什么后果,都是未知数。人类依然放眼星空,探索自我。但我们的存在,毋庸置疑,宿命缩短了我们之间的距离。
We are all in motion,hurtling toward a destiny,we did not choose and cannot avoid.Bodies moving through space speed up,as they get nearer to one another.The convergence is inevitable. For thousands of years,sailors have looked to the stars to understand where they are.As oceans move beneath them,they take comfort in the fixed mark of the North Star.While here, below,nothing ever stops moving.Mass attracts mass, Bodies moving toward each other in space,will speed up as they get closer.The gracitational pull, between two bodies becomes stronger,making convergence inevitable.What we're heading toward,or what the outcome of the convergence will be,is unknowable.Man continues to look to the stars for certainty.But the only real certainty is that every day we're alive,our destiny is getting closer and closer.
我们皆处于动态之中,向宿命的安排疾驰而去,我们无法选择,无法逃避。随着他们逐渐靠近, 物体移动速度加快,交集不可避免。数千年来,水手们仰望星空,来判断身处何方。脚下沧海桑田,物转星移之间,唯有北极星恒古不变。但现在,世事万物瞬息万变。 质量相互吸引,随着彼此间距离缩短,接近的速度越来越快。两物体间引力,越来越强了,交集不可避免。前方等待我们的是什么,这种交集会带来什么后果,都是未知数。人类依然放眼星空,探索自我。但我们的存在,毋庸置疑,宿命缩短了我们之间的距离。