“There are different kinds of love and when you love someone as much as Cesare loves Lucrezia, you want to possess her but you wish her happiness more than yours.” (原文来自Francois最新采访) 这个世界上有很多种爱情,但当你爱一个人像Cesare爱Lucrazia那样刻骨铭心时,你所想的是比占有她,比你自己的快乐更重要千万倍的事情——她的幸福。
“There’s a lot more involved and it’s a lot of mixed emotions. When it happens there’s pain, there’s relief, there’s the feeling that it was inevitable. There’s also fear for the future and it all happens at once. And that’s what love can be.” 这一刻掺杂了太多情感。痛苦,解脱,对未来的担忧,所有不可避免的感情,在这一刻汹涌爆发。而这一切的一切,唯有爱情,才能给予。
“And I think Cesare has many doubts about what’s better for her. I don’t think he has many personal regrets about it. But I think for her especially he feels like he should be the bigger man. He should lead her the right way. And he probably feels that he failed her in a way.” Cesare在质疑怎样做对Lucrezia来说才是最好的。他并不是对这件事本身感到后悔,但他觉得自己不应该做一个自私的男人,他应该引领她到通往幸福的道路上。但是从某方面来看,他觉得自己的所作所为辜负了这种初衷。