1. How many states are there in the U.S.A? How many states did the original Union consist of at the time of its independence? Which states are geographically separated from the American continent?
2. How many major parts is the US continent divided into? What are they?
3. How many major cities are there in the U.S.A? What are they?
4. How many stripes and stars are there on the flag of the U.S.? What do the stripes and stars symbolize?
5. Where is Washington D.C.? Whom is Washington D.C. named after?
6. How many time zones are there in the US continent? What are they?
7. Where are the Great Lakes and what are they? Can you give the names of mountains and rivers in the U.S.?
8. Do you know the names of most famous universities in the U.S.A.?
9. What are the official languages of the United Nations?
10. Where is Hollywood and where is Disneyland?
11. How is Hawaii made up of?Where is Pearl Harbour ?
12. What are the three branches of the Federal government?
How many Senators and how many Representatives? What are the Two Parties in the U.S. now?
13. Why is Chicago famous for its glorious revolutionary tradition in American history?
14. Why do many young people from poor families in American struggle along on limited budgets in order to earn a college degree?
15. What is required for a student to earn a Ph.D degree in an American University?
16. What are some of ways in which a student may cut education costs in America?
17. What does college mean? How about University? What are some of the extracurricular activities for college students in America?
18. What are the general principles of the form of US government? How is the US congress composed of? When are elections for both Houses held?
19. How many categories of graduate degrees do American Universities offer? What are they?
20. What functions do the state governments have? How about the federal government?
21. When was Philadelphia the America’s capital?
22. When is the presidential election held? What are the powers of the president?
23. What are the two systems for secondary schooling in Britain?
24. What’s the exam taken by children in their last year at primary school under the selective system? How does the result of this exam determine the kind of secondary schooling each child will receive?
25. When was Oxford University founded? How about Cambridge?What are the two widely admired features of Oxford and Cambridge?