SolidWorks 2014的主要新功能
今年8月公测的solidworks2014的主要新功能如下: 首先是在装配设计方面
(1)在装配设计方面: When choosing more views from theviewpalette, SolidWorks indicates which are being used, and which are missing;(在视角调色板当选择很多视角时,SolidWorks会显示正在使用的,以及错过的) Existing view icons; Quick Mate context menu(快速装配方式出现在快捷工具栏中) Smart mate delay — Components only trytomate themselves to the geometry when the user pauses for a customizablelengthof time(智能装配延迟,时间由用户来自定义,组件根据几何形状来装配) Angular running dimensions — Canchangethe dimensions, run bidirectionally, set the extension lines to thecenter(标注角度带辅助线) Display Style context menu (显示样式出现在快捷工具栏上) High-quality shaded views (高品质阴影视图) Split table by row count — For a billofmaterials with many components; SolidWorks remembers the number specified(表格的单元格拆分出行) Feature-driven component pattern(特征驱动组件方式) Rotate exploded views(带旋转角度的爆炸视图) 每次的更新软件都更加趋于人性化,这次也不例外。
(2)有限元分析方面: CircuitWorks now supportsthermalproperties — Including specific heat and thermal conductivity(CircuitWorks现在支持热能属性- 含比热和热导率) Residual stress from SolidWorksPlastics— Can also add other loads for a more complete picture(来自于SolidWorks注塑分析的残余应力,也能加进荷载中去了,这样才有全面的分析) Link to SolidWorks Flow Simulation —Cannow assign these properties to each component, or automatically createheatsources(SolidWorks Flow Simulation - 现在可以把这些热能属性分配给每个组件,或自动创建热源) Results symmetry(结果对称) Bolt mapping — SolidWorks Simulationcanautomatically create connectors in the simulation model(螺栓贴图,SolidWorksSimulation中可以自动创建螺栓联接的仿真模型) 然后是在草图绘制方面
(3)草图绘制方面: Slots in hole wizard — Swap out holesforslots, including counterbore, countersink, and regular slots(槽口孔向导,槽口与孔特征互换,包括扩孔,锪孔和规则排列的槽口) Fixed-length spline — Drag any ofthepoints and manipulators and the length is retained.(固定长度的样条曲线 - 拖动点和操纵和被保留的长度) Hardware is locked to temporary axesthatare automatically placed in the slot.(强行锁定到临时轴并自动放置槽口位置) Style spline — Offers more controlovershape Replace sketch entities(样式样条曲线 - 提供更多的控制权外形替换草图实体)" 槽口特征与孔特征的互换
(4)电气设计方面: SolidWorks Electrical harness — Requiredconnectors areinstantly available, and can be inserted by snapping them intoplace(SolidWorks的电气线束- 通过捕捉到的地方,可以插入所需的连接器立即可用) Colored connector pins(彩色端子)
Reuse existing harness(重用现有配线) Clips in flattened representation(扁平表示在剪辑)
然后是可视化设计方面 (5)可视化设计方面: Network rendering animations(用局域网分布式计算技术对动画进行渲染) Sunlight and sunlight animations — Enterthe longitudeand latitude of any location, as well as the date and time of day(日光和日光动画 - 输入的任何位置的经度和纬度,以及一天中的日期和时间) Order-independent transparency — Forrendering that makesthe internal components visible(顺序无关透明度 - 对于渲染,使内部组件可见) eDrawings with augmented reality —Overlay images of thedesign on live feed from a mobile device's camera(带增强现实技术的eDrawings - 从移动设备摄像头对设计直播的覆盖图像)
今年8月公测的solidworks2014的主要新功能如下: 首先是在装配设计方面
(1)在装配设计方面: When choosing more views from theviewpalette, SolidWorks indicates which are being used, and which are missing;(在视角调色板当选择很多视角时,SolidWorks会显示正在使用的,以及错过的) Existing view icons; Quick Mate context menu(快速装配方式出现在快捷工具栏中) Smart mate delay — Components only trytomate themselves to the geometry when the user pauses for a customizablelengthof time(智能装配延迟,时间由用户来自定义,组件根据几何形状来装配) Angular running dimensions — Canchangethe dimensions, run bidirectionally, set the extension lines to thecenter(标注角度带辅助线) Display Style context menu (显示样式出现在快捷工具栏上) High-quality shaded views (高品质阴影视图) Split table by row count — For a billofmaterials with many components; SolidWorks remembers the number specified(表格的单元格拆分出行) Feature-driven component pattern(特征驱动组件方式) Rotate exploded views(带旋转角度的爆炸视图) 每次的更新软件都更加趋于人性化,这次也不例外。
(2)有限元分析方面: CircuitWorks now supportsthermalproperties — Including specific heat and thermal conductivity(CircuitWorks现在支持热能属性- 含比热和热导率) Residual stress from SolidWorksPlastics— Can also add other loads for a more complete picture(来自于SolidWorks注塑分析的残余应力,也能加进荷载中去了,这样才有全面的分析) Link to SolidWorks Flow Simulation —Cannow assign these properties to each component, or automatically createheatsources(SolidWorks Flow Simulation - 现在可以把这些热能属性分配给每个组件,或自动创建热源) Results symmetry(结果对称) Bolt mapping — SolidWorks Simulationcanautomatically create connectors in the simulation model(螺栓贴图,SolidWorksSimulation中可以自动创建螺栓联接的仿真模型) 然后是在草图绘制方面
(3)草图绘制方面: Slots in hole wizard — Swap out holesforslots, including counterbore, countersink, and regular slots(槽口孔向导,槽口与孔特征互换,包括扩孔,锪孔和规则排列的槽口) Fixed-length spline — Drag any ofthepoints and manipulators and the length is retained.(固定长度的样条曲线 - 拖动点和操纵和被保留的长度) Hardware is locked to temporary axesthatare automatically placed in the slot.(强行锁定到临时轴并自动放置槽口位置) Style spline — Offers more controlovershape Replace sketch entities(样式样条曲线 - 提供更多的控制权外形替换草图实体)" 槽口特征与孔特征的互换
(4)电气设计方面: SolidWorks Electrical harness — Requiredconnectors areinstantly available, and can be inserted by snapping them intoplace(SolidWorks的电气线束- 通过捕捉到的地方,可以插入所需的连接器立即可用) Colored connector pins(彩色端子)
Reuse existing harness(重用现有配线) Clips in flattened representation(扁平表示在剪辑)
然后是可视化设计方面 (5)可视化设计方面: Network rendering animations(用局域网分布式计算技术对动画进行渲染) Sunlight and sunlight animations — Enterthe longitudeand latitude of any location, as well as the date and time of day(日光和日光动画 - 输入的任何位置的经度和纬度,以及一天中的日期和时间) Order-independent transparency — Forrendering that makesthe internal components visible(顺序无关透明度 - 对于渲染,使内部组件可见) eDrawings with augmented reality —Overlay images of thedesign on live feed from a mobile device's camera(带增强现实技术的eDrawings - 从移动设备摄像头对设计直播的覆盖图像)